Destructive weather fueled by climate change is causing an increase in floods, fires, droughts, sea level rise and cyclones that are devastating lives all over the world, and already causing great harm to our Asia Pacific neighbours.

Join us in demanding climate justice by:

  • Urging Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers to properly tax big polluting corporations now.
  • Advocating for funds from the climate polluters tax to go to supporting communities in our region already experiencing the destructive impacts of climate change.
  • Calling for an immediate end to all new fossil fuel projects and subsidies, and a plan to phase out all fossil fuels in Australia.

Climate justice is within reach

A more equal world is possible. One where any of us vulnerable to the climate crisis have the resources to survive extreme weather, and the opportunity to build sustainable futures for generations to come.

To get there, first the biggest fossil fuel polluters must be properly taxed. This will generate money to help communities avoid and recover from the loss and damage caused by climate disaster.

Rich polluters must begin compensating for the devastation they’ve caused to the environment and the lives of people who have done the least to cause the climate crisis.

People everywhere are pushing governments of the world’s richest nations to make this a reality. Join them.

Urge Federal Treasurer, Jim Chalmers to properly tax rich polluters now.

Dear Treasurer...

People everywhere are suffering from the climate crisis, while the biggest polluters become even more wealthy. It is only fair to hold these polluters to account for their damaging activities.

We ask you to make rich polluters pay, to generate finance that can support communities in avoid and recover from loss and damage caused by floods, storms, sea-level rise and other climate impacts.


Destructive weather fueled by climate change is causing an increase floods, fires, and historic famines that are devastating lives all over the world. Whilst climate change affects us all, it hurts some people more than others and many communities are struggling to survive. Women, young people, First Peoples, and those already experiencing poverty or inequality are at greatest risk. The climate crisis and the system that created it are the biggest contributors to global poverty and inequality today. Years of reckless climate policy has allowed fossil fuel giants to get rich by mining and burning coal, oil and gas like there’s no tomorrow while those who contributed least to the crisis are plunged deeper into poverty. It is estimated that climate change could drive a further 122 million people into extreme poverty by 2030.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is loss and damage?

‘Loss and damage’ is the term used for climate impacts which cannot be or haven’t been prevented or avoided through reducing emissions or adapting to climate change. The ‘loss’ refers to things that are irreversibly lost such as lives, a way of living or historical site, while the ‘damage’ refers to things that can be repaired or recovered such as homes, roads or crop yields.

How can we prevent and avoid loss and damage impacts from climate change?

We must urgently increase our ambition and action to reduce carbon emissions to prevent climate change impacts becoming even more severe. Oxfam is calling for the Australian government to set a new target of 75% emission reductions by 2030 and net zero by 2035 in line with what science says needs to be done to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Wealthy countries like Australia must also financially support communities in developing countries to adapt to climate change that is already occurring. This might mean planting more drought resistant crops, relocating homes and gardens vulnerable to sea level rise, and finding new and secure water sources. These actions can help avoid loss and damage impacts.

What is the Loss and Damage Fund?

At the UNFCC COP 27 meeting in 2022, countries agreed to establish a Loss and Damage Fund for countries most adversely impacted by the climate crisis.

This Fund is currently being designed, and Oxfam is calling for it to ensure local communities most impacted by climate change can access the support needed to recover from extreme weather – such as clean water during a drought, or funds to help rebuild after homes are destroyed by floods. We are also calling for the fund to support relocation of communities impacted by sea level rise.

Who are the polluters that should pay?

The money must be raised from those within Australia and other wealthy nations who are historically responsible for the climate crisis through their high emissions. Within Australia, the tax should be applied to those who are most responsible for the problem and who can afford to fix it – the fossil fuel companies making billions in profits and the richest 1% of people (who Oxfam research shows are most responsible for the climate crisis).

Why must our Government act?

It’s the Government’s responsibility to raise the money from Australia’s biggest polluters for the Loss and Damage Fund and for climate finance for adaptation and mitigation in developing countries. They can do this by redirecting the subsidies that are going into polluters’ pockets and by taxing them properly.

How will this make a difference?

As well as helping communities avoid and recover from extreme weather events and continue their work developing solutions for the challenges they’re facing – it sends a signal to big polluters that they must take responsibility for their actions. Moving us closer to climate justice for all.

Who is most affected by the climate crisis?

Climate change is being felt most by people in countries that have done the least to cause the crisis. According to climate scientists, over 3.3 billion people live in places highly vulnerable to climate change and these are often low-income countries with many people living in poverty.

Inequality and discrimination mean that this injustice is often felt more deeply as a result of race, gender, sexuality, disability, income or all of these combined.

What are your sources for the statistics you’ve shared?”


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