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National Close the Gap Day: FAQs

What is Close the Gap?

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have some of the poorest health outcomes of any group of people in the world. On average, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples die more than 10 years younger than other Australians.

Despite the efforts of many organisations like Oxfam and tens of thousands of people like you, the gap between Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous people’s life expectancy is widening not closing. This needs to be turned around with decisive action and clear commitments from our political leaders.
The Indigenous led Close the Gap campaign aims to achieve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health equality by 2030. Learn more about why the health gap exists.

How long has Close the Gap been running?

The Close the Gap campaign launched in 2006, when Tom Calma, the then Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, released his report highlighting the appalling gap in life expectancy and health standards in Australia. He then called on a number of Aboriginal, health and human rights organisations (including Oxfam) to join together in a coalition to form the Close the Gap campaign.

In 2007, Cathy Freeman & Ian Thorpe publicly launched the campaign at Olympic Stadium, Homebush.

In 2008, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and opposition leader Brendan Nelson signed the Close the Gap Statement of Intent, committing future federal governments to work towards closing the gap.

What is the National Close the Gap Day?

National Close the Gap Day (NCTGD) is a national day of action to pledge support for achieving Indigenous health equality by 2030. Over 250,000 people have participated in National Close the Gap Day events right across the country. From the Kimberley to Kyogle, from Maningrida to the Mornington Peninsula.

NCTGD provides us with an opportunity to come together in our workplaces, homes and communities right across the country to share information — and most importantly — to take meaningful action in support of achieving Indigenous health equality by 2030.

On NCTGD we celebrate the resilience, innovation and success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and we demand further meaningful action from our Governments.

With continued support from the public, we can ensure the Australian Government continues to work with Indigenous communities, commit additional funding and invest in real partnerships.

What role does Oxfam play in NCGTD?

Oxfam had the privilege of running National Close the Gap Day on behalf of the broader CTG coalition for ten years up until 2019. In that time, we saw this event grow to become the biggest Indigenous health event on the calendar. It has mobilised hundreds of thousands of people across every corner of Australia to increase their awareness and take action for health equality.

National Close the Gap is more important than ever. The health and life expectancy gap in Australia is widening and only concerted pressure from the Australian community can make the Government take real action to close the gap.

Is Oxfam still involved in Close the Gap?

YES! Oxfam is a founding member of the Close the Gap campaign and we continue to work closely with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous partners to advocate for community-led tangible solutions to Close the life expectancy and health gap.

How do I get involved with National Close the Gap Day?

National Close the Gap Day has a new online home. You can find everything you need for NCTGD here.

For inquiries, there is a Contact Page here.