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Cyclone Winston

In February 2016 Tropical Cyclone Winston, the largest cyclone to ever hit Fiji, bore down on the island nation. The cyclone killed 43 people and destroyed an estimated 32,000 homes. 150,000 people needed urgent shelter. 

The destruction of water systems also meant that 250,000 people were in urgent need of clean water. There was a serious threat of the outbreak and spread of diseases due to unsafe water and a lack of sanitation essentials.  

Oxfam’s response

Oxfam worked with local partners and was able to help by: 

  • Giving 8,780 + people access to emergency water supplies via installation of water sky hydrants 
  • Providing 200 families with emergency shelter tarpaulins 
  • Reaching 1,688 families with public health promotion and hygiene kit distribution 
  • Repairing damaged water systems in 11 communities 
  • Training 42 community public health workers in public health promotion and given Oxfam buckets for hand washing stations. 

Our work in Fiji after Cyclone Winston was only possible because of the generosity of our supporters.