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Cyclone Pam

Tropical Cyclone Pam struck Vanuatu on the evening of 13 March 2015 causing widespread destruction and devastation across the small island nation. Over 165,000 were affected by the category 5 cyclone. 

The eye of the category 5 cyclone passed close to Efate Island — the location of Vanuatu’s capital Port Vila — affecting an estimated 188,000 people across 22 islands. Around 15,000 homes were damaged or destroyed, about 96% of food stocks decimated, and the water supply of 110,000 people was disrupted, destroyed or contaminated. 

Oxfam’s response

Oxfam has reached people in more than 60 communities across Efate, Emae, Epi, Ambrym, Tanna and the Shepherd Islands since Tropical Cyclone Pam struck. This included: 

  • trucking 265,800 litres of clean water to 3,474 people on Efate Island. 
  • building infrastructure including new toilets, hand washing stations and rainwater catchments were installed for 2,093 students in 29 schools and kindergartens. 
  • 5,955 people receiving kits containing tools and gardening supplies. 

Thanks to our generous supporters and community partners, Oxfam was able to respond and assist in the rebuilding of livelihoods in Vanuatu.