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Mariam Ouedraogo

Hunger kills over 2.1 million people each year

This is a global food crisis. Millions of people are suffering through extreme hunger made worse by conflicts. From Ukraine to Northern Ethiopia and Burkina Faso. From Venezuela to the Central African Republic.

Conflict fuels hunger. Often on a massive scale, by disrupting infrastructure and social stability which can make it difficult to get supplies to people in need.

Hunger can also deepen conflict, as it displaces peoples from their homes, lands and jobs – fuelling further hunger while also aggravating and inflaming tensions that underpin the conflict.

Families caught in conflict need life-saving supplies. They need help.

“We fled without luggage, only to save our bodies” – Housseina

Housseina fled with her 10 children when conflict erupted in their area. When the situation was more secure, they returned home. Facing hunger, she started gardening.

Watch Housseina’s Story

“We fled violence to come here. But we don’t have peace of mind still” – Werem

After her home was attacked for the fifth time by armed groups, Werem fled with her children to a nearby town.

Watch Werem’s Story

“As a mother, not having enough food for your children is just atrocious” – Achta

Achta and her five children were forced to flee their home and now live in an internally displaced peoples centre with only cornmeal balls to eat.

With your help, we can provide food and hope for a brighter future

Your donation will help provide much needed support

In areas of conflict, your support can enable Oxfam to work with local partner organisations to support internally displaced people who are facing extreme hunger and ongoing inequality.

Together, we can help provide:

Food for the hungry

Distribute emergency food & water to families facing extreme hunger.

Cash assistance for families

Provide emergency cash assistance vouchers so people can purchase the food they need to survive.

Seeds, tools and training for the future

Support vulnerable people to produce their own food and diversify their sources of income.

Compassion fuels change

Together, we can help people build better lives. Join us and fight poverty, injustice and hunger in areas of conflict.

Compassion fuels change

Together, we can help people build better lives. Join us and fight poverty, injustice and hunger in areas of conflict.