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Australia’s aid effort

Australian aid: one of our nation’s greatest accomplishments

In the last generation, humanity has made great progress in shaping a more just and equal world:

  • We’ve cut global poverty by over 50% since 2000
  • We’ve doubled the number of people who have access to clean water
  • We’ve dramatically reduced the number of children dying every year
  • We’ve nearly halved the number of women dying during childbirth.

Together, through Australian aid, we’ve all played a part in this story. When we work together to break the cycle of poverty and inequality, we empower women, men and children around the world to take control and turn their lives around.

Despite the remarkable things achieved by Australian aid, successive aid cuts by the government mean our nation’s aid contributions are at their lowest ever level in history.

Some facts about Australia’s aid program:

  • Australia spends just 0.19% of our gross national income, or 19 cents in every $100, on Australian aid. This is the lowest level ever in our nation’s 60-plus years of using aid to tackle poverty.
  • Australia lags behind many other countries, including the UK, which has lifted its aid contribution to 51 cents in every $100, and Germany, which gives 83 cents.
  • Australia’s aid budget ranks a low 27th out of the 31 wealthy OECD Development Assistance Committee members, despite the fact that we have one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.

Australian aid helps some of the world’s most promising people build a better and fairer future. 

Email your local MP and ask them to oppose any further cuts to Australian aid.

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