Where the money goes
Thanks to the generous support of people like you, the global Oxfam Confederation delivered life-saving aid, advocacy support and transformative development programs to 15.25 million people across 86 countries in 2023-2024.
Oxfam Australia works almost exclusively through a partnership development model with local civil society organisations. We work closely with communities on the ground because these are the people who know what’s needed.
During 2023-2024, we worked with 270 partners in 37 countries to directly impact the lives of more than 109,300 people, including 62,700 women.
We contributed to 20 Oxfam Confederation emergency responses, reaching more than 3.2 million people with life-saving aid during an emergency, including more than 1.5 million women.
Oxfam Australia also helped influence more than 3,700 people and 900 organisations to advocate for a fairer world.
Thanks to our generous supporters, families are growing more food, earning a living, accessing clean water and toilets, living healthier, safer lives and having their voices heard. Their contribution has made a positive difference to the lives of people around the world. Yours will too.
For every $1 we spend:
- 70 cents is used to directly support our development and humanitarian programs around the world
- 21 cents is invested to generate future income
- 9 cents is spent on essential administration

Emergency appeals:

We spend at least 90% of funds raised from emergency appeals on our emergency response programs. The remaining 10% covers costs associated with advertising and promoting our appeals, operating our toll-free phone room, processing and receipting donations and audit and financial accountability.
For more information about where your money goes, please visit the Financial Overview section of our Annual Report.
Why your donation is so important
- 53% comes from the community (people like you!)
- 30% comes from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- 17% comes from other grants and sources
What are fundraising and promotion costs?
In our financial accounts, we use the definition of “fundraising costs” contained in the ACFID Code of Conduct when deciding appropriate costs to classify.
Under this definition, our public fundraising and promotion costs include all costs related to raising revenue from the public including:
- The production and mailing of fundraising materials
- The cost of promotional or marketing campaigns
- The costs of establishing and maintaining public donor databases
- Funds paid to third parties to provide fundraising services
- Donation related bank fees
- The cost of personnel involved in preparing and conducting marketing and fundraising campaigns.
Government, multilateral and private sector fundraising costs include the costs of personnel and related expenses involved in the preparation of funding submissions for, and reporting against grants from government, multilateral organisations, corporate and philanthropic organisations.