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Aju* lives with her husband Vitorino and three children. Despite being part of GALS and trying to socialise sharing tasks at home, she continues to take on all the domestic work, on top of making palm wine every day. Oxfam acknowledges the support of the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). Photo: Patrick Moran/Oxfam

Transform lives with workplace giving

A workplace giving program can help your business recruit the best talent, increase employee engagement, and lead to higher productivity.

80% of employees believe that having a workplace giving program makes their company a better place to work and demonstrates a genuine commitment to the community (Good2Give, 2015).

Your employees choose the amount of their salary they wish to donate and it will be deducted directly with their pay — giving them an instant tax benefit. It’s easy to set up and easy for your employees to participate.

  • 86% of employees stated they were proud to work for their company because of their sponsored workplace giving programme (Good2Give, 2015)
  • Companies that offer donations via payroll see four times the rate of participation than programs that don’t (Benevity, 2015)
  • Organisations with high employee engagement experience 2.5 times greater revenue growth than organisations with low employee engagement and have reported profitability up to 16% higher than average (Australian Charities Fund Research, 2014).

Why Oxfam?

Oxfam’s workplace giving program will appeal to all of your employees – with issues ranging from access to clean water in Bangladesh, empowering Indigenous women in Australia and providing food security in Niger, there is something for everyone to feel passionate about.

Our Corporate Partnerships team is available to ensure your workplace giving program runs smoothly. They can even help to organise personalised activities which also help to boost staff engagement, such as Work for Oxfam Day, Oxfam Trailwalker, and/or arranging a guest speaker to attend a staff event.

One person in three in the world lives in poverty. But we see a future in which no one does. Join our movement for change and help people help themselves in the fight against poverty.

What’s in it for your organisation?

  • Workplace giving correlates with greater staff engagement, retention, productivity, reputation and social impact
  • You can monitor the level of charitable giving that your company has helped achieve
  • Receive regular updates on how the money you have raised has helped to change lives
  • Any administration costs involved are tax-deductible.

How do you start?

As an organisation, the scheme is free to arrange. Contact Oxfam’s team to discuss setting up payroll giving in your workplace or for more information about how your organisation and employees can get involved with Oxfam.

Interested in finding out more? Contact us on for more information.