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Yemen: Cash transfers in Aslam district supporting drought-hit families

Find out how Oxfam is helping families affected by the drought in Yemen through cash transfer payments. Read more »

Yemen on the brink: conflict is pushing millions towards famine

More than two years of brutal conflict in Yemen have forced millions of families to leave their homes, and pushed many more to the brink of famine. 60 percent of the population are suffering from food insecurity and malnutrition. Read more »
Photo: Abo Haitham

Ongoing violence in Yemen pushing country towards economic collapse

With the escalation of conflict in Yemen now in its second month, the country is now in the midst of an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe. Water supply systems have been heavily damaged, food prices are spiralling out of control, and more than 300,000 people have been displaced. Oxfam program officer Bassim describes how the crisis has changed his life. Read more »