Tag: World Bank

How your campaigning is helping end land grabs
With your help, Oxfam has been campaigning since September on land grabs, as part of our GROW campaign to for food justice. We wanted the World Bank to take some urgently needed action to help end land grabs in many developing countries, which help keep one in eight people on our planet hungry. In the […] Read more »

World Bank in the dark about where its money goes
The World Bank doesn’t know the environmental and social impact of the almost $20 billion it lends to private companies. A recent audit revealed that the World Bank’s private sector lending arm, the IFC, “knows very little” about the impacts of its financial market lending, which accounts for 40% of its portfolio. The IFC has […] Read more »

Land Grabs: Why the World Bank can be a force for good
Like many Australians, you probably dream of owning your own piece of land one day. But whether renting or paying off a mortgage, most Australians feel relatively secure they won’t be kicked out of their own home without notice. For poor people in developing countries, this is not always the case. Families are being unfairly […] Read more »