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Photo: Caroline Gluck/Oxfam

An economic lifeline for women in rural Haiti

By Oxfam’s Humanitarian Press Officer, Caroline Gluck “Unemployment is the only thing we have here”, declared Dumel Deralus, smiling grimly as we sat in the shell of a concrete building that will soon be a new expanded home for the Organisation for Community Development in Thomazeau, (ODECT), an Oxfam partner working to improve economic and […] Read more »

South Africa and climate change

Putting good food on the table can be a challenge for all of us. But for many people around the world, it is a constant worry just having enough food to feed the family. For the women of the Western Cape in South Africa, the lack of secure employment and access to land, as well […] Read more »
Photo: Richard Kendall/OxfamAUS

From literacy to equality

Literacy enlightens, empowers, inspires and increases a woman’s ability to earn a living. The more she learns, the better she’ll understand her rights — and the more likely she’ll be to speak up for herself. This is precisely the aim of the Yehimbole Literacy Project (YLP), a new community-led adult literacy program recently established in […] Read more »
Photo: Akshay Mahajan/OxfamAUS

Full circle: a different take on trash

A group of women in India are working their way out of poverty, using other people’s rubbish to build a better life. This eye-opening short film shows just how they’re going about it. Read more »
Balcha with her family

Nine hectares of hope: irrigation in Ethiopia

New agricultural know-how and a sense of community have turned Ethiopian widow Balcha’s life around. Despair has been replaced by hope and an unfamiliar sense of possibility… Read more »

Harvesting a brighter future: women helping themselves

Living proof that there’s strength in numbers, women in rural India are joining self-help groups and gaining newfound confidence, agricultural skills and a supportive social network in the process. Read more »

Women Inspiring Change

More than 5 million Indonesian women work in factories. Their wages are very low and they receive 30% less than their male counterparts. But many are actively trying to change this situation… Read more »

Indonesian migrant worker advocate wins human rights award

Workers’ rights advocate Anis Hidayah has received the Human Rights Watch Alison Des Forges Award for her tireless efforts to ensure justice and human rights for Indonesian migrant workers. Read more »

Sneaky Business marches through Indonesia

More than 240 people from around the world have joined Sneaky Business—an online march to demand workers’ rights in the footwear industry. Read more »