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Melbourne Trailwalker 2023. Teams get ready to start the 100km trail. Photo: Sam Biddle/Oxfam

This is what our supporters helped achieve in 2023

As we go into 2024, we wanted to give a warm thank you to the supporters who donated their time, money and energy in 2023 to help tackle the inequalities that fuel poverty.  In the past 12 months our supporters, alongside the partners who help deliver our projects, the community groups they work with and […] Read more »
Canberra, Australia: Leanne Sanders pictured at Parliament House during the 2022 Straight Talk National Summit. Photo: Jillian Mundy/Oxfam

Visualising a brighter way for young Aboriginal women

The oldest living culture in the world is embracing 21st century technology to keep young people connected to their communities and culture, thanks to a woman with big dreams and an even bigger vision.    Leanne Sanders, a proud Kamilaroi, Tati Tati, Wadi Wadi and Mutti Mutti woman, has dedicated years to building Visual Dreaming, a […] Read more »

A commitment to First Nations women

Oxfam has a history of working with First Peoples in the Kimberley region over a number of decades. In 1980, Oxfam supported Traditional Owners in their fight for land rights during the Nookanbah dispute when the Western Australia Government approved drilling for oil on their sacred lands. In 2020 and 2021, Oxfam partnered with the […] Read more »

Bangladesh: A new start for Nooreja

Meet Nooreja Begum, a self-employed businesswoman who is single-handedly supporting her two sons and her mother with the money she earns selling sweets from her ‘mobile sweet shop’. Thanks to supporters like you, Nooreja, from the district of Jamalpur in Bangladesh, has been able to build a thriving business. She took part in a skills […] Read more »

What She Makes movement on IWD

Women everywhere should have access to period products, nutritious food and be free to exercise and move their body, allowing them a healthy and dignified life. But many women who make our clothes can’t afford basic necessities. Many have to work long hours over a sewing machine due to low wages, resulting in painful injuries […] Read more »
woman with clothing tag and banner that says naughty or nice. Christmas theam

Who is Naughty and Who is Nice in 2021?

Three major clothing companies in Australia – Lorna Jane, Myer and The Just Group – have failed to take the basic step of publishing key information about where they manufacture their clothes.  Read more »

Leading the way along the Salween River

How one local woman is mobilising villages to show their love for the free-flowing river, and defying those who wish to exploit it. Read more »
Sammy J holding a sign that says "Pay a living wage"

Sammy J says: Dear Kmart, Increase What She Makes

Sammy J speaks for a lot of us – when we’re shopping, we all love a bargain. But, the bargain shouldn’t be what she makes. Read more »