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The faces of climate change: Henry

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Henry has a long history with Clayton, South Australia – he and his wife were the first residents there. Over the past few decades they have watched the town grow up around them, but at the same time they have witnessed the effects as the mouth of the Murray River has gradually dried up. Read more »

Cholera outbreak in Haiti: This disease can’t beat us

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In central Haiti, the Artibonite province is awash in water. As we drive through the cholera-stricken region on Sunday, day three of our emergency cholera response, I see water everywhere – rice paddies, irrigation canals, small rivers, cesspools and puddles. Read more »

Cholera outbreak in Haiti: Oxfam responds

Still recovering from a devastating 7.0 earthquake in January, impoverished Haiti is now dealing with an outbreak of the deadly, water-borne disease cholera. The fast-moving bacterial disease has killed 208 people so far and infected another 2,649 – mostly in rural areas of the Artibonite region, north of Port-au-Prince. Read more »

Surrounded by a river of cholera: Part 2

Part 2 in our series of posts from a unique village in Papua New Guinea that’s built entirely on the Sepik River. The community there faces may health challenges, and Oxfam is helping to reduce the risk of disease. Read more »

Water in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea has been one of the main recipients of Australian aid for more than 20 years. Yet in all of this time the percentage of population without clean water has remained at a pathetic 60%. Only two in five people have access to clean water – in a country that is closer to Australia than New Zealand. Read more »

Surrounded by a river of cholera: Part 1

Chris Johnson travels to Papua New Guinea to meet people in a very unique village unlike anywhere else on the planet. Kambaramba 1 literally rises up out of the Sepik River and is now surrounded by a deadly, invisible disease infecting the water the makes up its very foundation. Read more »

Blog Action Day 2010: Water

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Today, Friday October 15th is Blog Action Day – a day when thousands of online communicators, campaigners, bloggers, commentators and activists come together to talk about one important topic. This year, that topic is WATER, and it’s something we at Oxfam are concerned about, and working on. Read more »

Blog Action Day 2010

We’re exited to be taking part in Blog Action day 2010 – on Friday 15th October we’ll join with thousands of bloggers around the world to collectively talk about: Water. Read more »

Water filters: truly amazing

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Water filters have created a wave of excitement in Takeo Province, Cambodia. Part of a huge water-focused project supported by AusAID, the filters will be of most benefit to women and children. Read more »

Passionate teachers bring opportunity

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I’ve been visiting Oxfam-built schools in remote areas of Stung Treng province. We went to monitor post-construction progress, while doing in-the-field media training. Inaccessible by car, arrival at the first school was a five hour, bumpy and muddy moto-ride deep into the jungle. Read more »