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Photo: Janna Hamilton/Oxfam

Giving women a voice in emergencies

In emergency situations, women have specific needs – but often don’t get the chance to speak freely about them. In Dadaab refugee camp, we’ve been meeting with women to find out what we can do to make their lives a little easier. Read more »
JJ Singano - a Oxfam public health engineer stands by a newly installed water tank at Dadaab refugee camp. 1400 refugees come to the camp each day and so JJ has to act fast to respond to the growing number of residents.

Clean water for Dadaab’s most vulnerable

Oxfam is at Dadaab, supplying Somalian refugees on the camp’s outskirts with desperately needed water. Check out our photo gallery to see our specialist staff at work. Read more »
Photo: Lara McKinley/OxfamAUS

Are corporations helping the global water crisis?

Oxfam Australia have joined the global campaign calling for a critique of transnational corporations that are shaping the global response to the world water crisis. Read more »

WASH on film: action

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After months of planning and organising, it was showtime for the WASH film, with an action-packed few days of filming. Read more »
Photo: Maureen Bathgate/OxfamAus

Talking clean water at the WASH Conference

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is one of Oxfam’s key areas of expertise. So naturally, we’re pleased to be involved with the second WASH Conference in Brisbane later this month. Read more »
Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith/Oxfam

Haiti: Oxfam trains camp residents to manage water delivery

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In the camps where Oxfam works in Port-au-Prince, displaced people are beginning to pay for their own water, an important step towards empowering them to take responsibility for the resource. Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

WASH on film: setting the scene

I’ve just returned from visiting tiny Pon Chea village where we began making our film about water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). It’s really removed and remote, and a difficult location because the people here are so poor. However, the potential for improving people’s lives is amazing and that’s why Oxfam is here. Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

Filming in Cambodia

I’ve been working on the development of a film about water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in rural Cambodia. Over the next few weeks I’ll share my experiences about the process. Read more »

Spreading the clean water message in PNG

In this short video, I talk to Krissy Nicholson, Oxfam’s Hygiene Promotion Coordinator, about our network of communty health promters in Papua New Guinea (PNG). These volunteers are helping Oxfam to spread the message about clean water and hygiene throughout their communities. Read more »

Bucket hygiene kits saving lives in PNG

Hygiene Promotion Coordinator, Krissy Nicholson, talks about Oxfam’s distribution of bucket hygiene kits, in the East Sepik region of Papua New Guinea (PNG). The kits are a simple and inexpensive solution that are helping to save lives, in the face of a cholera outbreak in the region. Read more »