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Cocoa Beans. Photo: Cam Cope/OxfamAUS

Why you should switch to Fairtrade chocolate this Easter

You’re powerful as a consumer – what you choose to buy shapes the world we live in and can literally change someone’s life for the better. Fair Trade doesn’t just guarantee a farmer gets paid properly for their hard work. It can also build schools, medical centres and water pumps – helping people lift themselves out of poverty. Read more »
Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith

A recipe to help stop hunger in Mozambique

Anariata, 28, lives in Mozambique, where regular drought can mean life-threatening hunger. Despite the dry, desert-like conditions, Anariata has learned how to produce and sell food for improved nutrition and valuable income — and is now teaching others how to do the same. Read more »
Photo: Robin Narciso/OxfamAUS

The Inclusion Project kicked off in the Mekong Region

In the Mekong Region, civil society is growing. NGOs and local communities are working together to build up a network of concerned people and communities working on water resource management. Read more »
Photo: Xavier Vahed Oxfam AU

The difference you could make today

1.5 million children die as a result of poor hygiene, poor sanitation and unsafe water each year (UN 2013). Thanks to Oxfam supporters, Oxfam is a world leader in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Dr Helen Szoke, Chief Executive of Oxfam Australia, visited WASH projects in South Africa last year. She found out first-hand how your support has the capacity to change lives for good. Read more »
Photo: Max Bastard/Oxfam AUS

How can clean water provide an education?

Dirty water can cripple a community. Waterborne diseases mean children will miss school, and collecting clean water would take hours from a school day, every day. But now, with easy access to clean water, students at Dingizwe Hight School have more time for education. Read more »
Photo: Cam Cope/Oxfam AUS

The power of Fairtrade chocolate

Kuapa Kookoo is the only farmer owned cocoa cooperative in Ghana and the supplier of cocoa for the Oxfam So Fair So Good range available at Oxfam Shop. Thanks to Fair trade sales, they’re creating life-changing social projects for the whole community. Read more »

Sammy J and Randy in South Africa

Australian comedy duo Sammy J and Randy attracted some funny looks during their recent trip to South Africa. They suspect this might have had something to do with the colour of Randy’s purple hue! The pair paid a visit to the Woza Moya HIV/AIDS Community Centre (an Oxfam partner organisation) in the lead up to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala and made a few friends along the way. Read more »

Sineth’s family struggle

Sineth and Khvan’s livelihood depends on their ability to farm rice in the fields every day. When we spoke to Sineth they had just experienced a very tough time. Read more »
Photo: Alun McDonald/Oxfam

“The world must step in to avert South Sudan crisis”

Ongoing conflict in Sudan and South Sudan continues to cause great suffering among refugees who’ve been forced to flee their homes and seek shelter in over-crowded, ill-equipped refugee camps. Jamam is one such camp, as Oxfam’s Pauline Ballaman describes. Read more »

World Water Day — 22 March 2012

World Water Day (22 March) was established by the UN to raise public awareness about safe water. This year, its focus is the relationship between water and food security – a topic Oxfam Australia just happens to know a thing or two about… Read more »