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Breaking the taboos around loos

According to the UN, 2.4 billion people around the world struggling to stay well, keep their children alive and work their way to a better future – all for the want of a toilet. Read more »
Mukuru Kenya Africa

When I grow up: a story of hope from the slums of Nairobi

Victor wants to be a pilot, but without access to a clean toilet, he may never realise his ambition. This is the photo story of how one clever toilet is protecting children from disease, keeping kids in school, and changing the lives the people in the Mukuru slum in Kenya. Read more »
Photo: Perou/Oxfam

A life-changing, life-saving toilet

In Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, almost two million people live in informal settlements or ‘slums’. Water and sanitation facilities are completely inadequate, disease rates are high and poverty is rife. Amy Christian travelled to the Mukuru slum in Kenya and discovered how one innovative toilet is saving lives and changing them for the better. Read more »
Medina washes clothes outside her makeshift shelter at the camp. Photo: HIJRA

What a difference a jerry can makes

A year since famine was declared in parts of Somalia, we bring you this good-news story about how the humble jerry can is making a huge difference in Mogadishu IDP camps. Read more »
Photo: Kieran Doherty/Oxfam

“Water is life for the world” — East Africa one year later

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A year since we launched our East Africa appeal, we bring you this incredible video and accompanying photos capturing a Turkana community’s delight as Oxfam builds them a borehole, bringing desperately needed fresh water to the village. Thank you to everyone who supported the appeal – your generosity helps change lives. Read more »
Photo: Caroline Gluck/Oxfam

Behind the (prison) walls

Oxfam’s Caroline Gluck has documented plenty of examples of Oxfam’s hygiene promotion activities – in communities, schools and markets – but never in a prison. Until now… Read more »

World Water Day — 22 March 2012

World Water Day (22 March) was established by the UN to raise public awareness about safe water. This year, its focus is the relationship between water and food security – a topic Oxfam Australia just happens to know a thing or two about… Read more »
Photo: John Sones/OxfamAUS

Clean water saves lives: Oeun’s story

Kut Oeun, a 35-year-old mother of four in rural Cambodia, is the face of our 2011 Water Appeal. But she’s more than just a face on a campaign. Oeun and her family spoke to Oxfam Australia at length about life in their village, particularly the struggles that come from having limited access to clean water. Read more »
Photo: John Sones/OxfamAUS

Since you asked

Often, stories about aid work raise as many questions as they answer. So this year we’re trying something new with our annual water appeal. In addition to giving you first-person accounts from the people we work with, we’re also introducing an interactive Q&A feature. Read more »

Cleaning to a new beat

A whole lot of shaking going on: in her latest dispatch from East Africa, Oxfam Australia’s Chee Chee Leung describes the unique method refugees in Dadaab use to keep their jerry cans clean… Read more »