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Volunteering at Oxfam is a great way to meet people , like Oxfam's FUSE team, pictured here.

Volunteer spotlight: Jessie from the IT team

There’s more than one way to give with Oxfam. Jessi is one of Oxfam’s many volunteers who are using their professional skills to help people living in poverty around the world. Find out how you can too. Read more »
Community campaigners at a Close the Gap event, Brisbane

Volunteer to career: where could your volunteer experience take you?

While volunteering at Oxfam doesn’t always lead to a job, many staff at Oxfam began their career as volunteers and interns. For National Volunteer Week, we’ve asked some of these staff members to share their experiences. Read more »

Volunteer spotlight: Kate Coulman in the Corporate and Community Partnerships Team, Sydney

Kate joined Oxfam to gain experience in a not-for-profit organisation as part of a career change. Since joining the Corporate and Community Partnerships team in Sydney, she’s done just that. Read more »

Volunteer spotlight: Jenny Gillett from Close the Gap, Perth

As we lead up to National Close the Gap Day on 17 March, Jenny shares why she’s volunteering to promote Indigenous health equality and why we should work together to Close the Gap. Read more »

A message from Winnie, Oxfam International

Whether you’ve volunteered with Oxfam this year or not, you are a valued part of our Oxfam community and your continued support means a lot to us! Read more »

Volunteer Spotlight: Lauren from Oxfam campaigns

Lauren volunteers with the Campaigns and Engagement team in the Brisbane office and has assisted with campaigns around the G20 and National Close the Gap Day:” I am always learning new skills and am being constantly mentored by the amazing Campaigns staff.” Read more »

Oxfam volunteers awarded an Order of Australia medal

Long-term Oxfam volunteers Dr Jennifer Court MD and Mr Donald Gobbett were recently awarded an Order of Australia medal “for service to the community through charitable organisations” by the Governor General for the annual Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Read more »
Lydia. Photo: Lara McKinley/OxfamAUS

Volunteer spotlight: Lydia from Oxfam Shop

Lydia started volunteering in an Oxfam shop in Melbourne, and now puts her creative skills to work as the design and marketing intern for Oxfam Shop. Read more »
Photo: Martin Wurt/OxfamAU

‘Give Happy, Live Happy’ – Oxfam Trailwalker Volunteers

The theme for National Volunteer Week in 2015 is ‘Give Happy, Live Happy’ – and no one knows this better than Oxfam Trailwalker volunteers. Read more »
Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS

Volunteer spotlight: Melbourne GROW and campaign event volunteers

Each year, the Campaigns team in Melbourne recruit a team of event volunteers. This awesome team are a key force in motivating awareness and action around Australia through key areas of our work like Close the Gap and GROW. Find out how you can be an event volunteer in 2015. Read more »