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Funding safe climate futures for all

In less than a month the major United Nations climate change conference of 2010 will commence in Cancun, Mexico. Many eyes will be on the negotiations as governments from around the world try to find common ground on key issues to keep the negotiations moving forward. Read more »

Stocktaking progress on a global climate agreement

The climate negotiations came to a close last week in China and the closing plenary of the talks was not without drama. Delayed for over an hour, head negotiators huddled around the hall desperately seeking common ground, reports Phillip Ireland. Read more »

One thousand students unite against poverty

As the UN met to decide if the world could halve extreme poverty in five years, 1000 students came together to hear from a variety of speakers working around the world to end poverty. Carrie O’Connor was there. Read more »

UN climate talks: flashpoints on the road to Cancun

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The UN climate talks in Tianjin are coming to an end. This was the last negotiation before the high-level UN climate change summit in Cancun, Mexico, this December. So far the talks have been mixed with only marginal progress. We face several flashpoints as we head rapidly down the road to Cancun. Read more »

Climate change: it’s time to step up Australia

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For the first time ever the UN climate negotiations are being held in China, in the city of Tianjin, before the major climate summit in Cancun in December. Talking with Australia’s head of delegation in China, our climate tracker Phil Ireland had the opportunity to get a handle on Australia’s negotiating position. Read more »

Building blocks in China on the way to Cancun

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The latest round of United Nations climate talks in China this week are crucial to ensure a practical outcome in the much-anticipated December talks in Cancun, reports Phil Ireland from Tianjin. Read more »

Righting two wrongs…

So far the media interest in the Tianjin talks has been, well – lackluster – but like many of these conferences before – you never really know until the minute you are there. This one will hold a bit of a special place in the history of Climate Change talks as it will be the first climate negotiations being held in a Chinese city. Read more »

A day of optimism and anger

Things are stirring at the Tianjin climate negotiations. Participants are getting impatient. The Australian delegation is getting impatient. The lead negotiator from the US, publically declared his impatience in a speech that bordered on anger. I think many in the room sympathised with him. Read more »

A season for change? China and the new frontier in Australian climate politics

Climate Tracker Phil looks at Australia’s position in the lead-up to the next climate negotiation session in Tianjin, China. Read more »

3things on Katy Perry and the MDGs

This month the peeps at Oxfam’s 3things were left feeling like Katy Perry after the MDG summit in New York. Read more »