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Australia commits to flexibility in Cancun? Time will tell.

Today, I had the opportunity to attend a brief press conference with Mark Dreyfus, the Australian Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. I asked him how Australia is being flexible and constructive in Cancun. Are we being a leader and contributing the strong outcome that the world needs? Read more »

Climate talks hanging in the balance

Balance is the key word at the climate negotiations in Cancun. It is on the lips of negotiators from all around the world, including Australia’s own climate change Minister, Greg Combet. The world needs more than incremental movement, and a safe climate future is hanging in the balance. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

Yes we Can(cun)

UK Climate Tracker Anna Collins reports on a big win for the youth of the world, with the passing of Article 6 (formal and non formal education, awareness raising and public participation) at the Cancun climate talks Read more »
Minister for Climate Change, Hon Greg Combet

Welcome Minister. It’s time to roll up your sleeves

Australia’s Minister for Climate Change, the Hon Greg Combet, has arrived in Cancun, landing himself in the middle of tense and fragile negotiations. Taking on the role of co-facilitating the negotiations on finance, technology and capacity building, he has a unique opportunity to steer one of the more important outcomes of these climate talks. Read more »

Christiana Figueres on hope and necessity

Last week the trackers had the opportunity to meet with the UNFCCC executive Christiana Figueres, and talk about the status of the Cancun talks and her motivations for working with countries to find common ground to make real progress on addressing climate change. Read more »
Image: Oxfam

Australia moving forward in Cancun

Tension lingers as the crucial UN climate negotiations in Cancun unfold. It is not anticipated that we will get a full treaty from this meeting. However, there are several different ways Australia can play a powerful and constructive leadership role in Cancun. Read more »

Fighting for survival in Cancun

Amidst the coordinated frenzy of the Cancun climate talks, Climate Tracker Phil had the privilege of catching up with Pelenise Alofa from Kiribati and Fiji to hear about her story and reflections upon the current climate negotiations underway. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

Kicking Kyoto around in Cancun

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In the third day of the Cancun climate talks, tension lingers in the air. Everyone is talking about the Kyoto Protocol, with the media in particular making a lot about an announcement by Japan against the continuation of Kyoto protocol. However, it is not as bad as it seems. Read more »

Welcome to Cancun

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Our Climate Tracker Phil reports from the first day of the 2010 UN Climate Summit in Cancun, Mexico, with a sense of both optimism and frustration. Read more »

Ask your climate negotiator

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We sat down with Australia’s Ambassador for Climate Change, Louise Hand to ask her a set of questions regarding the 2010 UN Climate Summit in Cancun. What would you ask Louise? Read more »