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If you shut your eyes and say the word, you probably think of white straw hats, the famous shipping canal or the 2001 movie adapted from John le Carre’s spy novel, the Tailor of Panama. For Panamanians, its meaning is grounded in place and nature, as they believe it to mean “an abundance of fish, […] Read more »

Australia pricing pollution will impact global efforts on climate change

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With the announcement of Australia’s plan to put a price on pollution still making headlines and creating debate, our Climate Tracker Clancy had the timely opportunity to meet with Australia’s Ambassador for Climate Change, Louise Hand in Canberra. Read more »
Image courtesy Say yes

Carbon Pricing: Domestic legislation, global ramifications?

Watching Sunday’s announcement of the carbon price legislation, our Climate Tracker Clancy felt relieved that Australia is finally taking action on climate change. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

UN Climate talks show the importance of local action on climate change

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Tracking the two weeks of talks at the UN Climate Change negotiations in Bonn, we’ve seen some positive signs emerge. It is clear, however, that Australia’s role in putting a price on pollution and reducing emissions is more important than ever. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

Bonn climate talks – reflections from a first time tracker

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Amazing, frustrating and truly inspiring. That’s how our UN Climate Tracker Clancy Moore describes the UN climate talks currently underway in Bonn, Germany. Read more »
Photo: Peter Miu

Australians say Yes but the world needs to do more

After almost a week of climate change negotiations in Bonn, Germany, some progress is being made with countries setting out their plans for the Climate Summit in Durban later this year. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

Keep on tracking…

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2011 is a critical year for action on climate change locally and internationally. Join our new UN Climate Tracker Clancy Moore in demanding the Australian Government put a price on pollution and play an active role in getting a global agreement on climate change. Read more »
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Fill the fund: Send your climate messages to the UN

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Last year the climate talks in Cancun saw the successful establishment of a global Climate Fund, one of our core campaigns asks last year. You can help make sure the Climate Fund is filled with cash so it can provide life-saving support to help the world’s poorest people fight the effects of climate change. Read more »
COP16 Mexico

The applause of Cancun: a signpost of hope for a safe climate future

As another year of climate negotiations comes to an end there is cause for celebration. In the final hours of a long and exhausting two weeks a firm foundation for a climate treaty was established and confidence in the UN process was renewed. Read more »

Tears and cheers in the Plenary hall. Signs of progress?

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I just witnessed a sign of great hope at the climate talks in Cancun. Today new drafts of the new climate agreement were released. Initial responses have been mostly positive and it appears that there has been significant compromise from many countries. Read more »