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Embedding Equality in the Loss and Damage Fund 

Read our two part report on the Loss and Damage Fund Part 1 | Part 2 Oxfam has released a two part report recommending how Australia can help ensure the success of the new Loss and Damage Fund which aims to support people in developing countries most adversely impacted by climate change. The most profound […] Read more »
Photo: AnitaKattakhuzyOxfam

Landmark UN Security Council Resolution on Policing

A landmark UN Security Council resolution passed today. The UN Security Council has never before passed a resolution focused solely on UN Policing. Today’s resolution consolidates a broad range of guidance and standards to strengthen the unique role of UN Police in protecting civilians, as well as preventing sexual and gender-based violence. Read more »

Can Australia make a lasting impact on the United Nations Security Council?

The new Oxfam report, ‘On the home stretch,’ demonstrates why Australia needs to implement Security Council resolutions for the remainder of its Security Council term. Read more »

A New Year’s Resolution for Syria

2013 was an immensely difficult year for the people of Syria, the most devastating in a conflict now almost three years long. You can take action now to help people affected by the violence. This time last year, around 500,000 refugees had fled Syria to neighbouring countries. Now, this has more than quadrupled to an […] Read more »

Seat or no seat, Australia has Security Council status

The countries of the world will sit down to vote overnight on who will become the newest non-permanent members of the Security Council. If Australia comes out a winner, it has the chance to play a key role in preventing conflict around the world, including in places where Australians are working directly on the ground, […] Read more »

10 things you need to know about Australia and the UN Security Council

Australia is now a non-Permanent Member of the UN Security Council. After 26 years on the bench, on 1 January 2013 Australia will begin its two-year membership of the UN Security Council. Having worked so tirelessly to secure this seat, Australia now has a rare opportunity to play a key role in addressing the great […] Read more »

Cabinet rallies to Make Poverty History while PM discusses new UN leadership role

Last night, prior to the Perth Community Cabinet, four Government Ministers, the Attorney General and a Parliamentary Secretary joined forces with local Fremantle MP to support the Make Poverty History campaign. Fremantle MP, Melissa Parke, together with Attorney General, Nicola Roxon; Minister for Employment, Kate Ellis; Minister for Health, Tanya Plibersek; Minister for Broadband, and […] Read more »

First national conference on women’s rights to land in Sierra Leone

by Oxfam intern Jarrod Strauch Sierra Leone has held its first ever national conference on women’s property and land rights, bringing together over 160 participants to develop new strategies in fighting the denial of basic rights to Sierra Leone’s women. The conference, held between 6-8 June at the YWCA of Sierra Leone, brought together 100 […] Read more »

Things are heating up at day 4 of the climate conference

With key discussions around the Green Climate Fund, set-up to provide life saving assistance to poor countries, and the future of Kyoto Protocol starting to sizzle. What’s more, I just addressed the talks on behalf of the Climate Action Network in a session on what the legal form of a future global climate change agreement […] Read more »

Should the UN Development Index be scrapped?

Professor Chuluun Togtokh raises a very valid point – the UN Development Index does not take ecological impact into account. Should it? Read more »