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Stop hunger in Timor-Leste

Sabina’s story

Sabina survived the stress of decades of political turmoil on the road to independence in Timor-Leste, but this is different — there’s no end in sight. Read more »
Stop hunger in Timor-Leste

Notes from the field: Oxfam in Oecusse, Timor-Leste

Oxfam’s own Kate Bensen recently flew to Timor-Leste for a firsthand experience of the difficulties faced by our neighbours to survive hunger, and what we are doing to help. She was moved by what she witnessed. Read more »

Lessons and impressions of Timor-Leste (part one)

Meet Ari. Ari is volunteering in Timor-Leste with the Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD). Working alongside Oxfam, she’ll be sharing her experiences with the Timorese people and Oxfam’s development work on the ground. Read more »

Singing, cooking and a rally help launch GROW in Timor-Leste

Day 1. Monday June 3rd The GROW campaign launch in Timor-Leste got off to a great start today at the Good Local Food Expo in Dili. GROW got off to an ‘un-official’ start at 1am this morning with a traditional ceremony held by cultural leaders to bless the event and the work of GROW. At […] Read more »
Alysia with two of her sons. Photo: Timothy Herbert/OxfamAUS

The house that Alysia built

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Women’s savings groups not only help their members achieve levels of financial security that might otherwise be beyond their reach, but also provide an invaluable source of moral support and friendship. Just ask Alysia, a 47-year-old mother of six from Timor-Leste. Read more »