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Hargeisa Market, Somalia

A lifeline for Somali families is hanging by a thread

The money sent home to loved ones by Somalis living abroad makes up a huge proportion of the country’s economy . In fact, nearly half of the Somali population depends on remittances to meet their everyday needs. Today, this flow of money is under threat like never before. Read more »
Medina washes clothes outside her makeshift shelter at the camp. Photo: HIJRA

What a difference a jerry can makes

A year since famine was declared in parts of Somalia, we bring you this good-news story about how the humble jerry can is making a huge difference in Mogadishu IDP camps. Read more »

A day out at Mogadishu beach

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While the situation remains very fragile in Mogadishu, residents are beginning to enjoy a taste of normal life – such as going to the beach for a swim. But there’s still a long way to go for Somalia and its people… Read more »

Somali voices

In the lead-up to this week’s international conference on the future of Somalia, we asked five ordinary Somalis what they hoped would come out of the talks. Their responses were both thoughtful and thought-provoking. Read more »
Photo: Geno Teofilo/Oxfam

Survival and triplets in the midst of famine

In the midst of famine, Somali children survive with the help of Oxfam partner SAACID, whose community therapeutic care centres across Mogadishu are admitting more than 3,000 malnourished children every week. Read more »

Providing free health care in Mogadishu

21-year-old Maryana, a nurse for one of Oxfam’s Somali partners, works at an emergency therapeutic centre in Mogadishu. Here she talks about the many challenges she faces in providing free health care to thousands of malnourished children. Read more »
Photo: WASDA

Somalia famine hits farmers hard – but Oxfam project brings hope for the next harvest

Agricultural communities in southern Somalia – the country’s grain basket – are being severely affected by the current drought, which has resulted in widespread failure of crops. But an Oxfam project is helping farmers get through this difficult time and providing hope for a better harvest in January. Read more »

With drought and famine weakening Somalia, community care improves childrens’ health

Launched with a local Somali partner in 2009, Oxfam’s innovative community care program to address malnutrition in Mogadishu has reached 136,000 children. This is the story of one of these children, Mohamed, who recovered from severe illness and malnutrition. Read more »

Destination: Mogadishu

The first of three Oxfam aid shipments to Mogadishu was dispatched on Saturday, containing 47 tons of water and hygiene supplies to combat rising instances of cholera in the city’s crowded refugee camps. Read more »
Photo: Janna Hamilton/Oxfam

Giving women a voice in emergencies

In emergency situations, women have specific needs – but often don’t get the chance to speak freely about them. In Dadaab refugee camp, we’ve been meeting with women to find out what we can do to make their lives a little easier. Read more »