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Photo: John Sones/OxfamAUS

Since you asked

Often, stories about aid work raise as many questions as they answer. So this year we’re trying something new with our annual water appeal. In addition to giving you first-person accounts from the people we work with, we’re also introducing an interactive Q&A feature. Read more »

Smiling in Dadaab

Amid the challenges and frustrations of life at Dadaab refugee camp, there are also some good reasons to smile, as these heart-warming videos attest. Read more »
Photo: Maureen Bathgate/OxfamAus

Talking clean water at the WASH Conference

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is one of Oxfam’s key areas of expertise. So naturally, we’re pleased to be involved with the second WASH Conference in Brisbane later this month. Read more »

A fragile existence

A seven-year drought is forcing poor families in KwaNibela, South Africa, to take desperate measures to get water to drink. For the families who live in KwaNibela, a remote part of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, water has become a precious commodity. The once lush green landscape is now bone-dry. Streams have dried up, trees are a […] Read more »