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Grow a garden in the desert

In this video, we meet Tereza and her family in Mozambique. When food runs low, Tereza turns to burning charcoal and selling it by the side of the road as a source of income. Despite the labour and hard work, it’s difficult to provide the food they need — as well as clothing and a means to an education. Find out how you can change this. Read more »
Photo: Maya Hautefeuille

Berlin Conference on Syria refugee response must deliver as harsh winter approaches

With over three million refugees now having crossed into countries around Syria, governments from around the world are gathering today in Berlin for a conference on the response to the refugee crisis. Everyone who needs to escape must be able to flee to safety from the conflict. Read more »

End violence against women in Papua New Guinea

In Papua New Guinea (PNG), violence against women is part of everyday life. A shocking 50% of women have experienced abuse. At just 10 years old, Ruth lost her mother. She had no choice but to live with her uncle and aunt where she experienced regular beatings. Mama Rasta was accused of sorcery by her […] Read more »
Photo: Iyad al Baba/Oxfam

The Gaza blockade – a personal story

Richard Stanforth is Oxfam GB’s Regional Policy Adviser in the Middle East. Here, he shares his personal experience of what life has been like in Gaza under the blockade. I first visited Gaza in spring 2006 when I had just become a policy officer for Oxfam covering Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. I arrived […] Read more »
Photo: Paul Banks/UN

Dancing in my heart: a letter from South Sudan

Following its Independence ceremony on Saturday 9 July, South Sudan is officially the world’s youngest country. Aguet, a member of Oxfam’s emergency response team, describes her joy at her country’s newfound independence and her hopes for the future. Read more »

Southern Sudan to vote on their future

Southern Sudan is preparing for its historic referendum on 9 January, in which southerners will vote whether to become the world’s newest independent country. Augustino Buya, one of Oxfam’s longest serving staff, reflects on how life in Juba – the southern capital – has changed over the past few decades of war and peace. Read more »
Claude, Survivor of December 2009 atrocities in the Makombo area of Haut-Uélé district, DRC

Freedom from fear: Protecting people from one of the world’s most brutal rebel groups

Across central Africa, men, women and children live in fear of the Lord’s Resistance Army. This predatory group attacks women as they perform their daily tasks – fetching water or tending to their fields – and children returning from school. The LRA has become the most deadly militia in eastern Congo, with Christmas time marked by appalling massacres. Read more »