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First Home Project

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Welcome to Australia ambassador Jarrod McKenna, his wife Teresa and son Tyson are hoping to buy their first home. And they’d like it to be the first Australian home for refugees and asylum seekers who are facing Perth’s housing crisis too. There is a housing crisis in Perth. Only 2% of rental properties are vacant. The […] Read more »
Medina washes clothes outside her makeshift shelter at the camp. Photo: HIJRA

What a difference a jerry can makes

A year since famine was declared in parts of Somalia, we bring you this good-news story about how the humble jerry can is making a huge difference in Mogadishu IDP camps. Read more »
Jo Harrison with Dadaab residents Saadia Yussif Abdi and her mother, Maryon Mohamed. Photo: Jo Harrison/Oxfam

Dadaab: One year after the famine

One year after the East Africa food crisis was declared, Oxfam Great Britain’s Jo Harrison returns to northen Kenya’s Dadaab refugee camp to see how its residents are doing. Read more »
Photo: John Ferguson/Oxfam

South Sudan – one year on

One year after independence, South Sudan is facing its worst humanitarian crisis since the end of the war in 2005. These unforgettable photos, mostly taken at Jamam refugee camp, reveal the human side of this alarming situation. Read more »

Refugees have no choice. You do.

Refugee Week 2012 runs from Sunday 17 June to Saturday 23 June. Its theme is “Restoring Hope”, a reminder that refugees often leave their homes with nothing but the hope of finding a better life in another country. Read more »
The Concord Project

Apathetic, self-obsessed teens? Whatevs…students tackling the tough issues

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Students from Cheltenham Girls High School are taking action on issues of children in detention – and proving to be leaders in their own right. Read more »

Speaking up for children in detention

A global campaign to end the immigration detention of children was recently launched by the International Detention Coalition. This month, Australia comes under their spotlight — with good reason. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

Meeting Tony Abbott

On Tuesday 6th December, as part of an internship at Oxfam, I had the opportunity to hear Tony Abbott at a community forum. My supervisor, WA Campaigns Coordinator Paddy Cullen was keen to find out Tony Abbotts view on how he would fund the Green Climate Fund to help developing countries deal with climate change, […] Read more »

“We walked with our children on our backs”

An estimated 1.8 million women, men, and children in Somalia have been driven from their homes by the combination of famine and conflict. Since early August, Oxfam has provided clean water and sanitation for an estimated 11,000 Somali refugees in Hilaweyn camp, in Dollo Ado, Ethiopia. Three refugees in the camp share their stories: Read more »

A new approach to regional cooperation on refugee protection

Oxfam has joined with other NGOs from our Asia Pacific region in a joint statement on the Australian Government’s announcement that it intends to subvert the recent ruling by the High Court on the treatment of asylum seekers. Read more »