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The first steps in tackling climate change

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After putting my 4 month year old son to bed on Saturday night, my head hits the pillow. I’m fast asleep. I sleep deeply, albeit highly attuned to any cries or screams from down the hall way, as is the way with life in my house these days. I awake. July 1st. Something has changed… […] Read more »

Should the UN Development Index be scrapped?

Professor Chuluun Togtokh raises a very valid point – the UN Development Index does not take ecological impact into account. Should it? Read more »
Photo: Say Yes Australia

Historic legislation will help Australia get smart on climate change

8 November 2011 will go down as a historic day for Australia. Historic, because it was the day that Australia took the first step to reduce our carbon emissions and put a price on pollution. Read more »
Photo: Australian Conservation Foundation/Say Yes Australia

Clean Energy Future Legislation just the starting point for Australia’s climate catch-up

The passage of the Clean Energy Future legislation in Parliament today is a positive first step in catching up to other nations on tackling climate change. Read more »

Meeting with Ministers on Green Climate Fund in WA

Oxfam were very kindly invited by one of our newest Rockingham Group member, Minister Gary Gray, to a meeting with Minister Simon Crean on climate change and the carbon tax. Read more »

Climate change is on the cards in WA

Oxfam supporters gathered recently around Fremantle MHR Melissa Parke to show their support for a price on carbon, handing over 1845 post cards signed by the community calling for greater action on climate change. Read more »

WA says yes to a price on carbon pollution

WA has been out in force, campaigning for a price on carbon! Read more »
Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS

Exploding myths about Australia’s carbon role

Everywhere you go, climate change and the Government’s proposal to put a price on carbon pollution is being talked about, however the conversation in Australia is laced with myths. Oxfam Executive Director Andrew Hewett busts a few of these myths. Read more »
Photo: OxfamAUS

Make your own submission to the carbon price legislation

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The Government have allowed a small window for community input into the Carbon Price legislative process, and we’ve put together a quick how-to on how to make your own submission. Read more »
Photo: cc licensed Alex Schlotzer

Stepping up! Australia, a price on pollution and you

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Since the government announced its plans to put a price on pollution it’s been hot a topic of discussion. Lots of people have an opinion – with some being more based on fact than others – and everyone has questions. Here’s a brief overview of the core elements and what Oxfam thinks of it. Read more »