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Bondi gets a Make Poverty History push

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Oxfam intern Giselle Hall reports back on a recent Make Poverty History action on the streets of Bondi. Read more »

Passionate teachers bring opportunity

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I’ve been visiting Oxfam-built schools in remote areas of Stung Treng province. We went to monitor post-construction progress, while doing in-the-field media training. Inaccessible by car, arrival at the first school was a five hour, bumpy and muddy moto-ride deep into the jungle. Read more »

Dragging large white letters around Melbourne

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It’s hard to be inconspicuous on a Melbourne city tram when you’re struggling to keep hold of a human-sized ‘H’, but it’s all worth it in the name of Making Poverty History. Read more »

20 hours from Jakarta: another world

In mid May I asked for leave from my union activities at GSBI and returned for a fortnight to my parent’s house in a village near the city of Solo, Central Java. At the village I kept busy helping my parents in the fields. My parents are farmers and do not have any regular income. Their own land doesn’t yield enough to cover every day necessities. So to fulfil their daily needs they work as labourers on other people’s land. With their meagre income, my parents still support two of their children (my older sister and young sister), as well as three grandchildren (from my older sister). Read more »

Be part of the world’s greatest bank job

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Imagine if a tiny tax on international banking transactions could help tackle poverty around the world. Read more »