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Asia, holding parandas (hair decorations) that she makes and sells. Photo: Jane Beesley/Oxfam

Craftwork: a tale of tassels, quilts, jewels and peace in Pakistan

Two years after devastating floods caused widespread damage across Pakistan, we bring you this good-news story a tiny village finding its way back from disaster. Read more »

Boxer Amir Khan and Oxfam help build schools in Pakistan

It’s not often you hear about champion boxers raising money for the needy, but that’s exactly what British-Pakistani light-welterweight Amir Khan has done for flood-affected communities in Pakistan. In partnership with Oxfam, he’s helped build five schools in areas that lost theirs in the 2010 floods. Read more »

Pakistan floods: four days old and the roof caves in

Oxfam Media Officer Tariq Malik traveled to Pakistan, where heavy rains continue to flood the south, and met a woman who had to evacuate her home only four days after giving birth. This is her story. Read more »
Photo: Farkanda Wazir/Oxfam

Pakistan floods: eight months on, survivors speak up

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Pakistan flood survivors share their hopes and needs in a poll conducted by Oxfam eight months after the country was hit by the worst floods in living memory. Read more »
Homeless farm labourer Husna Molbudh with her malnourished and sickly son Manawar (1). Shabaz camp for displaced people outside Hyderebad, Sindh province. Photo: Andy Hall/Oxfam

Pakistan floods – aftermath of the slow tsunami

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Alex Renton from The Times returns to the scene of ‘the slow tsunami’ to discover the terrible aftermath of the Pakistan floods. Read more »
Photo: Jane Beesley/Oxfam

Pakistan 6 months on: The knitters of Aman Kot

Besides rural villages the floods devastated the lives and livelihoods of people living in urban areas like Aman Kot near Mingora, Swat. Here Oxfam together with local partner Lasoona are the only non-governmental organisations working with people who have lost everything. Read more »
Women collecting water at a camp in Thatta. Photo: Oxfam Novib

Pakistan flood crisis far from over

Oxfam spokesman in Pakistan, Amil Khan spoke recently with Santilla Chingaipe from SBS, warning that the crisis in flood-affected Pakistan is far from over. In a new report, Oxfam says the situation could deteriorate if more aid is not provided, and that despite a massive aid effort, tens of thousands of people are still in […] Read more »
Photo: Jane Beesley/Oxfam

Pakistan floods: Zarina and Janat

In Dadu in Pakistan, Oxfam and local partners are providing water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, to thousands of people living in camps following the devastating floods. We talk to Zarina and Janat about their experiences in a camp. Read more »
Ikhtiar, community health volunteer in Khaipur, Pakistan. Photo: Jane Beesley/Oxfam

Pakistan floods: returning home

Whilst many people remain in camps others, as the floodwater recedes, are going home. In a village in Khaipur a group of women reveal what helped them return home. Read more »

Oxfam prepares for winter in Pakistan

Oxfam is distributing thousands of winter kits to some of the worst flood-affected communities in Upper Swat, Pakistan. Thanks to your support, families can survive the long, cold winter. Read more »