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Asia, holding parandas (hair decorations) that she makes and sells. Photo: Jane Beesley/Oxfam

Craftwork: a tale of tassels, quilts, jewels and peace in Pakistan

Two years after devastating floods caused widespread damage across Pakistan, we bring you this good-news story a tiny village finding its way back from disaster. Read more »

Boxer Amir Khan and Oxfam help build schools in Pakistan

It’s not often you hear about champion boxers raising money for the needy, but that’s exactly what British-Pakistani light-welterweight Amir Khan has done for flood-affected communities in Pakistan. In partnership with Oxfam, he’s helped build five schools in areas that lost theirs in the 2010 floods. Read more »

Pakistan floods: Unbearable loss, unexpected hospitality

Oxfam staff member Jane Beesley is currently traveling throughout Pakistan, surveying the extent of the flood’s damage and assessing the impact of Oxfam’s emergency response. In this blog post — the first of a series — Jane visits Shikarpur District in the southern Sindh Province. Read more »

Pakistan floods: An emotional journey

Shikarpur district in Sindh province of Pakistan was hit by unexpected flooding. People are still shocked and helpless, and according to official figures around 300,000 people are displaced in the district. Oxfam is there to assess the situation and launch a rapid response. Madiha Shafi, Oxfam’s program officer in Pakistan wrote this emotional piece about her visit to Shikarpur. Read more »

Pakistan floods: The long, hard road to Swat Valley

Oxfam staff member Rebecca Wynn attempts to reach Pakistan’s Swat region amidst flooding and heavy rain, and offers a glimpse of the struggle currently facing aid workers in the region. Read more »

Pakistan floods: En route to Peshawar

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A field report from Pakistan, with video. By Neva Khan, Pakistan Country Director for Oxfam Great Britain. Read more »