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Help farming families in Ghana leave poverty behind with clean water and compost solutions.

Nurturing land and life in Ghana

Poverty is a complex problem with many causes. But when you break it down, sometimes the best solutions are remarkably simple — like compost. Read more »

25 years after Oslo, young Palestinians bear the brunt of its failures

A new photo essay captures the lives of young Palestinians that have been shaped by a systematic denial of rights, despite the promises of the Oslo Accords. Read more »
oxfam tailor tanzania

A Tailor in Tanzania

Once, Buchumi was a primary school teacher. But when war broke out, he was forced to flee to a refugee camp in Tanzania. Here is life would change forever. Read more »
godebrite mother nduta

Through a Mother’s Eyes: Life in Nduta Refugee Camp

The Nduta refugee camp in Tanzania is home to more than 55,000 personal stories of survival and hope. Godebrite’s remarkable story is one of them. Read more »
turubu papua new guinea

Look back on your achievements

2016 was a year of massive upheaval for many people across the world. But it was not all bad news. Together with Oxfam, you’ve been there, and given hope to millions of people. Read more »
PNG beekeeping sustainable business

Beekeeping: a buzzing business in PNG

Several years ago Kelly Inae came up with the idea of “Mountain Honey”, a honey making business to help farmers in rural areas by training them as beekeepers. Yet, despite his best intentions, he soon realised it wasn’t possible to do it all for free. Read more »

Save Australian Aid

As part of the mid-year budget outlook (MYEFO), the government yesterday announced a third cut to the aid budget of $3.7 billion. This brings the cuts to aid announced by this Government to $11.3 billion in just one year. Read more »

Australians of the Year join the Movement to End Poverty

A group of prominent Australians have added their voice to The Movement to End Poverty and have called on leaders from all sides of politics to support an increase of foreign aid to 50 cents in every $100 of gross national income by 2016 in order to tackle global poverty. Research biologist Sir Gustav Nossal, […] Read more »

Melissa Parke hears the Movement To End Poverty

74,000+ Strong Movement to End Poverty petition handed to Minister for International Development Melissa Parke. On World Humanitarian Day (Monday 19 August), Oxfam Australia’s Board Chair, Dr Jane Hutchison and Oaktree WA State Director, Simon Bunstead  handed  over the Movement to End Poverty petition, signed by 74,725 people, to the Minister for International Development, Melissa […] Read more »

Let’s Get Political for Overseas Aid!

By Melissa Ho – Oxfam Australia Volunteer I used to hate politics. Yet somehow this year I became a political activist… gosh it must have been something I ate. From dressing up as a giant corn for Oxfam’s GROW campaign, I now found myself helping to organise an electoral forum. On Tuesday evening, a joint […] Read more »