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Sammy J holding a sign that says "Pay a living wage"

Sammy J says: Dear Kmart, Increase What She Makes

Sammy J speaks for a lot of us – when we’re shopping, we all love a bargain. But, the bargain shouldn’t be what she makes. Read more »

Cotton On joins ACT Initiative

Cotton On made important progress by joining the ACT Initiative on Living Wages, which brings together brands and global unions to collaborate on achieving higher wages for the women who make our clothes. Cotton On also affirmed their commitment to working towards living wages in their supply chain, however are yet to commit to a […] Read more »
A woman works on a clothing line for an international brand in Dong Nai province, Vietnam. Photo: Sam Tarling/Oxfam

Gorman take a step forward on transparency

After years of campaigning from Oxfam supporters, Gorman and Factory X have published the names and locations of their factories. It’s an important step forward in supply chain transparency. Without this information it is extremely difficult to confirm whether workers are being treated fairly, and it allows workers to raise their concerns directly with the […] Read more »
Photo: GMB Akash/Panos/OxfamAUS

Help school the big brands this summer

You know the holidays are over when you starting seeing advertisements for ‘Back To School’ sales. Unfortunately, many of the women making clothes for brands like Kmart, Target and Big W are paid poverty wages. Find out how you can call brands to account. Read more »

You won’t believe What She Makes

Together, we’re tackling poverty in the fashion industry, demanding big clothing brands pay a living wage to the women who make our clothes. Read more »

Make IT Fair

The Make IT Fair campaign, together with GoodElectronics, is putting the pressure on big IT companies like Apple and Samsung to give a fair deal to the people that make their products. Apple is now the world’s largest corporation, valued at more than half a trillion US dollars. Workers in factories that manufacture Apple products, […] Read more »

Wal-Mart receives wooden spoon on workers’ rights

The International Labour Rights Forum (ILRF) has released its latest Working for scrooge report, which exposes companies with some of the worst records on respecting freedom of association in 2011. Four companies were singled out for individual scrutiny because of their poor labour practices. Culprits include the world’s largest fresh fruit and vegetable producer, Dole […] Read more »

Sneaky Business marches through Indonesia

More than 240 people from around the world have joined Sneaky Business—an online march to demand workers’ rights in the footwear industry. Read more »