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A new way of life in Ethiopia

Imagine if the lifestyle your family had led for generations was on the verge of extinction. Would you cling determinedly to the old ways or would you bite the bullet and make whatever changes were necessary to survive? Herding families in the southern Ethiopian village of Melka Guba were forced to make this decision. Years […] Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

Reflections on Cambodia

Cambodia is typically understood through a narrative of civil war, devastation and poverty, but this fails to capture the modern dynamics of the country. The less prominent stories are of those driving change in the country towards a more equitable future. Committed, passionate people throughout the country are pushing for a new deal – the […] Read more »
Photo: John Jones/OxfamAUS

Clean water saves lives: Bhoomy’s story

Running water is one of those little things in life that we depend on without really considering. But stop and think for a minute: If you couldn’t turn the on tap, would you even know the location of your nearest water source? For Bhoomy Deungmarny the answer is the KaPanh River, about 400 metres from […] Read more »
Photo: Caroline Gluck/Oxfam

An economic lifeline for women in rural Haiti

By Oxfam’s Humanitarian Press Officer, Caroline Gluck “Unemployment is the only thing we have here”, declared Dumel Deralus, smiling grimly as we sat in the shell of a concrete building that will soon be a new expanded home for the Organisation for Community Development in Thomazeau, (ODECT), an Oxfam partner working to improve economic and […] Read more »
Photo: International Union of Food Workers

Life is bittersweet for Nestle workers

The Nescafe factory in Panjang, Indonesia, has fired almost two thirds of the SBNIB union membership. According to the IUF the workers were fired after a breakdown in negotiations over wages. The Nescafe workers had struggled for five years before finally gaining recognition for their independent trade union in March this year. After such a […] Read more »
Luang Nam Tha Dam, Laos

Validity of environmental report questioned

A report commissioned by the Lao Government to evaluate the Xayaburi Dam’s compliance with the Meekong River Commissions requirements has been labelled by opposition groups as a “greenwash”. Read more »

Women Inspiring Change

More than 5 million Indonesian women work in factories. Their wages are very low and they receive 30% less than their male counterparts. But many are actively trying to change this situation… Read more »

Indonesian migrant worker advocate wins human rights award

Workers’ rights advocate Anis Hidayah has received the Human Rights Watch Alison Des Forges Award for her tireless efforts to ensure justice and human rights for Indonesian migrant workers. Read more »

The highs and lows of aid work

I was recently on a trip with Barbara Stocking, the CEO of Oxfam Great Britain, who visited to see what was happening with Oxfam’s work in Cambodia. Travelling into the Northern provinces, we witnessed some highs and lows of development. Read more »

Sneaky Business marches through Indonesia

More than 240 people from around the world have joined Sneaky Business—an online march to demand workers’ rights in the footwear industry. Read more »