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Asia, holding parandas (hair decorations) that she makes and sells. Photo: Jane Beesley/Oxfam

Craftwork: a tale of tassels, quilts, jewels and peace in Pakistan

Two years after devastating floods caused widespread damage across Pakistan, we bring you this good-news story a tiny village finding its way back from disaster. Read more »
Photo: Richard Simpson/OxfamAUS

On the road in Niger part 2: wrestling with cash

In their second blog post from Niger, Richard and Eveline discover a nation obsessed with wrestling, meet some locals who are benefitting from Oxfam’s cash distribution program – and do a bit of giraffe-spotting! Read more »
Food storage structures spotted during the road trip. Photo: Richard Simpson/OxfamAUS

On the road in Niger

Oxfam Australia’s Richard Simpson visited Niger recently, where he was struck by the innate resilience of the people in the face of the harsh food crisis they’re enduring at the moment. Read more »

Banking on buffaloes: Sen’s story

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In the final interview of our ‘Banking on buffaloes’ blog series, we talk to Sen about how her life has changed since she became involved with her village’s buffalo bank program. Read more »

Wal-Mart receives wooden spoon on workers’ rights

The International Labour Rights Forum (ILRF) has released its latest Working for scrooge report, which exposes companies with some of the worst records on respecting freedom of association in 2011. Four companies were singled out for individual scrutiny because of their poor labour practices. Culprits include the world’s largest fresh fruit and vegetable producer, Dole […] Read more »
Photo: Ear Techkung/OxfamAUS

Development for equality

Experiencing a bit of culture shock between Australia and Cambodia got me thinking about the concept of an equitable world; what is it and how can we make it happen? Read more »
Photo: Dustin Barter/OxfamAUS

Banking on buffaloes: Met’s story

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Meet Yuh Met. An agricultural labourer and former soldier, Met (52) and his family live in Kandek village, Cambodia. They were among the first in their village to benefit from Oxfam’s buffalo bank program and, since receiving their gentle giant, they’ve gradually been able to turn their lives around. Before the buffalo Met will never […] Read more »
Photo: Irina Fuhrmann/Oxfam

Hunger calls in Africa’s Sahel region

Late and irregular rainfall, followed by plagues of birds, locusts and other pests have decimated the harvests of poor farmers and made pasture scarce for herders. Cereal production in the five countries of the region is down by a quarter from last year and is well below the five-year average. Read more »
Photo: Alejandro Chaskielberg/Oxfam

Turkana by Night: dreams of past and future in Kenya

Alejandro Chaskielberg travelled to Turkana, Kenya with Oxfam to take photographs using moonlight supplemented with artificial lighting, showing snapshots of everyday life. While he was there, he met Peter Abwell, a former pastoralist who became a fisherman before starting his own business. Peter’s shop is bustling with activity when we arrive. Clearly a central hub […] Read more »
Photo: Brett Eloff/Oxfam America

Haiti’s urban garden project: planting the seeds for a better future

In one of Port-au-Prince’s most earthquake-damaged districts, Oxfam is helping find land for residents to grow their own vegetables. As this slide show indicates, the project is already paying off in many ways. Read more »