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turubu papua new guinea

Look back on your achievements

2016 was a year of massive upheaval for many people across the world. But it was not all bad news. Together with Oxfam, you’ve been there, and given hope to millions of people. Read more »
PNG beekeeping sustainable business

Beekeeping: a buzzing business in PNG

Several years ago Kelly Inae came up with the idea of “Mountain Honey”, a honey making business to help farmers in rural areas by training them as beekeepers. Yet, despite his best intentions, he soon realised it wasn’t possible to do it all for free. Read more »

Toughing it out in Iraq

As determined families return to Iraq to rebuild and others brace for the next round of violence, Oxfam helps locals strengthen their ability to respond and recover. Read more »
Marie holds her water container that she received from Oxfam

Tackling hunger, thirst and disease

With just four kilometres separating us, Papua New Guinea (PNG) is Australia’s closest neighbour. And last year, millions of people in PNG were facing hunger, thirst and disease on our doorstep Read more »

“My mother taught us not to run when you are scared”

Berta Cáceres was brutally murdered on 2 March 2016. Why and by whom? Two months after her death there have been arrests, but investigations need to continue. The answers are clear however, to her daughter Bertha and the members of Berta’s organisation. Read more »

Carrying the weight of war: portraits along the road to Rubaya

To survive, men, women and children transport goods along the dirt road carrying everything from coal to vegetables. Some people are walking for four days just to sell a bag of potatoes. Read more »
A man is hauled from the rubble in the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake.

One year after disaster, you’re building a stronger Nepal

A year ago a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal. Thousands of Oxfam supporters took action and generously donated. In this blog, you’ll meet just some of the people whose lives have changed thanks to your response. Read more »
Honkeo in her role as a Community Fishery Facilatator.

Women champions conserving the environment for the next generation

Honkeo has a big vision: to empower Indigenous communities and to help them conserve their natural resources for the next generation: ““Nature is life for our indigenous communities … If women know their roles, they will contribute more”. Discover the life-changing work Oxfam does in the Mekong. Read more »
Lilia Malinao, 72 years old. Photo: Tessa Bunney/Oxfam

Lilia is prepared for the worst

Vulnerable communities in The Philippines are struggling to cope with increasingly unpredictable and extreme weather. But, thanks to your support, women like Lilia (pictured) can have an amazing impact. Read more »
Alysia with two of her sons. Photo: Timothy Herbert/OxfamAUS

The house that Alysia built

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Women’s savings groups not only help their members achieve levels of financial security that might otherwise be beyond their reach, but also provide an invaluable source of moral support and friendship. Just ask Alysia, a 47-year-old mother of six from Timor-Leste. Read more »