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Children hold onions outside their school building

How onions are helping families to smile in Papua New Guinea

Thanks to you, we’re empowering families in PNG to earn an income through onion farming – which means that their kids can go to school, eat nutritious food, and build proper housing! Read more »
Kathmandu, Nepal: Durga (4th from L), founder and owner of a local weaving business with her employees. Together we're supporting thousands of women like Durga to set up their own businesses in Nepal.

How you’re helping women artisans set up shop in Nepal

Thanks to you, we’re able to support 2700 earthquake-affected men and women with the tools and training to set up their own businesses in Nepal. Read more »
Help farming families in Ghana leave poverty behind with clean water and compost solutions.

Nurturing land and life in Ghana

Poverty is a complex problem with many causes. But when you break it down, sometimes the best solutions are remarkably simple — like compost. Read more »
Oxfam is helping local rice farmers in Vietnam work smarter and grow more

Solutions that stick in Vietnam

In northern Vietnam, the only thing sweeter than sticky rice… is more sticky rice. So Oxfam is helping local rice farmers work smarter and grow more. Read more »

Notes from the field: Zimbabwe

Oxfam’s Kate Bensen travelled to Zimbabwe to see first-hand how you’re helping us respond to the hunger crisis. She couldn’t believe how different it is to what she’d imagined. Read more »

Mobile money breaks the cash drought in Zimbabwe

At the height of the drought in Zimbabwe, our mobile cash transfers gave Florence and her family a rare glimpse of hope. We gave Florence a mobile phone so she could receive cash transfers via text to pay for basic food items. Read more »

Women working together

An Oxfam initiative in the north-west region of Vietnam is bringing women farmers together to make a huge difference in how they work, and also improving how they’re treated in the community. Read more »

A mother’s marathon for water in Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, mothers like Ida literally walk a marathon every day, to provide water for their children. The countless hours spent traipsing to collect water takes time that should be spent working or learning — this entrenches the cycle of poverty. Read more »

A hive of activity in Tanzania’s refugee camps

Oxafm is supporting a unique project in Tanzania, so that refugees can learn new skills to work their own way out of poverty… and it’s got people buzzing with excitement. Read more »
oxfam tailor tanzania

A Tailor in Tanzania

Once, Buchumi was a primary school teacher. But when war broke out, he was forced to flee to a refugee camp in Tanzania. Here is life would change forever. Read more »