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The fight for Aboriginal land rights continues

Cissy grew up seeing her elders fighting for the rights of Aboriginal people – and she is now one of many leading this fight. Read more »

The highs and lows of aid work

I was recently on a trip with Barbara Stocking, the CEO of Oxfam Great Britain, who visited to see what was happening with Oxfam’s work in Cambodia. Travelling into the Northern provinces, we witnessed some highs and lows of development. Read more »

Harvesting a brighter future: Tanaabai and Tukaram

With four adult children to support and seasonal farm work their only source of income, Tanaabai and Tukaram were doing it tough, until they learned about the Forest Rights Act … Read more »

Harvesting a brighter future: Balram and Seeta

In part two of our story series from India, we meet Balram and Seeta, whose lives have got a whole lot better since making a land claim and starting to work for themselves. Read more »

Harvesting a brighter future: Yashwant and Hira

From exploited agricultural labourers on someone else’s land, to land-owners with a thriving vegetable crop, Indian couple Yashwant and Hira can now look forward to a brighter, more secure future. Read more »