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A photo story from Turkana

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Five years without decent rain has left the northern Kenyan region of Turkana parched and in desperate need of aid. These photos, by Intermón Oxfam’s Irina Fuhrmann, paint a stark picture. Read more »

Rankin in Kenya

In this video, recorded when he was in drought-stricken Turkana to take photos for Oxfam, photographer Rankin tells how moved he was by the strength and courage of the people he met there. Read more »

Cash-for-work in Kenya: Building latrines at Dadaab camp

Our cash-for-work program in Dadaab is not only helping refugees earn vital income, but is also giving them a sense of purpose and dignity in conditions where it can be difficult to stay positive. Read more »

A mother’s impotence in East Africa

In this moving piece by Irina Fuhrmann, women from the drought-stricken Kenyan village of Kanukurdio tell of their struggles to survive and keep their children alive. Read more »
JJ Singano - a Oxfam public health engineer stands by a newly installed water tank at Dadaab refugee camp. 1400 refugees come to the camp each day and so JJ has to act fast to respond to the growing number of residents.

Clean water for Dadaab’s most vulnerable

Oxfam is at Dadaab, supplying Somalian refugees on the camp’s outskirts with desperately needed water. Check out our photo gallery to see our specialist staff at work. Read more »
Photo: Andy Hall/Oxfam

Oxfam Ambassador Kristin Davis visits drought-stricken East Africa

Actress and Oxfam Ambassador Kristin Davis, best known for her role as Charlotte in Sex and the City, visits the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya with Oxfam, to see the devastating impact of the drought. Read more »