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Members of the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Cultural Fishing, together with Traditional Owners, at Mystery Bay, NSW, on the morning of the hearing in Narooma in July 2022

Cultural fishing: Rights to an ancient practice left unprotected

Testimony by South Coast Aboriginal people has spelled out the cost to their communities from the refusal of successive governments to legislate cultural fishing rights. Read more »

6 quotes that show why Indigenous leaders should be in charge of Indigenous policy

As notable Indigenous representatives met in Uluru last week they delivered a statement from the heart: “In 1967 we were counted, in 2017 we seek to be heard.” And as these inspiring quotes by influential Indigenous leaders show, it’s time the government listened. Read more »

The fight for Aboriginal land rights continues

Cissy grew up seeing her elders fighting for the rights of Aboriginal people – and she is now one of many leading this fight. Read more »

A shocking record on Indigenous incarceration

It’s a shocking record – one that’s devastating lives and tearing communities apart. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are 13 times more likely to be imprisoned than non-Indigenous people. Arrente man Des Rogers’s story is an all-too-common one. Imprisoned at the age of fourteen, Des was “thrown back into a world of hopelessness” and […] Read more »