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Youth voices from 15 years of the Gaza blockade

2022 marks 15 years of the Gaza blockade, which continues to prevent young people from achieving their dreams and living full lives. Read more »
Photo: Caroline Gluck/Oxfam

Early warnings need early action in Somalia

In July 2011, Somalia claimed the first famine of the 21st century. Although there were clear warning signs many months in advance, the international community did not begin to respond at scale until the situation had already reached crisis point. Just three years later, Somalia is once again on the brink of relapsing into a serious food crisis. Read more »
Photo: Maya Hautefeuille

A letter from Lebanon for Eid

This week marks Eid, the important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that brings to an end the Islamic holy month of fasting, Ramadan. This is a bitter sweet celebration for millions of people as conflict continues across the Middle East. Read more »
Photo: Iyad al Baba/Oxfam

Medical staff in Gaza struggle to cope with rising casualties

With the crisis in Gaza mounting, hospitals are struggling to cope with the growing influx of casualties. Three quarters of the dead and wounded are civilians, including many women and children. Read more »
Photo: Iyad al Baba/Oxfam

Women in Gaza describe life under airstrikes

The crisis in Gaza is having a devastating impact on civilians who represent approximately 75 per cent of the casualties so far. Oxfam partner WCLAC (the Women’s Centre for Legal Affairs and Counselling) is collecting testimonies from women in Gaza to describe their lives and fear under the ongoing Israeli airstrikes. Read more »
Photo: Alan Jacobsen, The Sidney Hillman Foundation

Bangladesh factory fire survivor visits Australia

Sumi Abedin was working in the Tarzeen garment factory in Bangladesh when she was forced to make a chilling decision. Trapped in the burning factory and faced with the horrific choice between burning alive or jumping to certain death, she chose to jump. Read more »

Land is life in Papua New Guinea

I have just returned from Papua New Guinea where the struggle for control of the country’s natural resources is raging.  Communities are quite literally fighting for their lands, environment, livelihoods and culture – all of these are at risk from logging, palm oil and other so-called developments. Land is life, as they say in PNG.  […] Read more »

Refugees have no choice. You do.

Refugee Week 2012 runs from Sunday 17 June to Saturday 23 June. Its theme is “Restoring Hope”, a reminder that refugees often leave their homes with nothing but the hope of finding a better life in another country. Read more »

Speaking up for children in detention

A global campaign to end the immigration detention of children was recently launched by the International Detention Coalition. This month, Australia comes under their spotlight — with good reason. Read more »

Indonesian migrant worker advocate wins human rights award

Workers’ rights advocate Anis Hidayah has received the Human Rights Watch Alison Des Forges Award for her tireless efforts to ensure justice and human rights for Indonesian migrant workers. Read more »