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Paddling for men’s Indigenous health

After tackling his own mental health issues, Cormach Evans is now determined to improve the health and wellbeing of other Indigenous men in the Geelong community – through sport. Read more »
National Close the Gap participants hold a banner in support of Indigenous health equality

10 shameful facts that will make you want to Close the Gap

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are faced with disproportionate rates of preventable disease, injury and mental health challenges. It’s unacceptable. It’s time to Close the Gap! Read more »

Action starts with acknowledgement: Closing the Gap with Indigenous health education

Kelly Langford, an Indigenous medical student, witnessed the heartbreaking burden of diabetes in her community and was inspired to take action. Read more »
turubu papua new guinea

Look back on your achievements

2016 was a year of massive upheaval for many people across the world. But it was not all bad news. Together with Oxfam, you’ve been there, and given hope to millions of people. Read more »

Schools in action: William Angliss Institute host awesome hunger banquet

Hunger affects one in nine people around the world. And thankfully, there are things each of us can do, even at school. Things that tie-in with who we are, our interests, and the people we meet. We just need to think laterally. Read more »

They survived the violence, but they can’t survive without clean water

“There is only one activity in the community — surviving.” Louise and her family escaped armed rebels, but now they face a new danger — deadly, dirty water. Read more »

Being a young Aboriginal woman in Australia today

Close the Gap campaign lead, Tom Widdup, finds out how — despite continued high levels of Indigenous disadvantage, and a disconnect that still hinders relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia — Danielle and many young Indigenous Australians like her are working to overcome these barriers. Read more »

What would you do if you were President for a day?

Urban developments, otherwise known as slums, are quickly spreading across Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. With them comes a huge threat of disease and poverty for the hundreds of thousands of people who call the slums home. Read the stories of 10 kids from the Mukuru slum and their dreams for the future. Read more »

Close the Gap with the “30 for 2030” Challenge!

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To close the gap in a generation, Indigenous health equality needs to be on top of the political agenda. By taking the 30 for 2030 challenge you’ll be joining thousands of others to remind the government of their commitments to Indigenous health. Read more »
Photo: Jason Malouin Oxfam AUS

Get involved with National Close the Gap Day

National Close the Gap Day is closing in. On Thursday 20 March 2014, thousands of Australians will take action to improve Indigenous health. Register your event today Read more »