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Photo: Kateryna Perus/Oxfam

When will things let up for Haiti?

In the past ten months, a country that initially faced extreme poverty has dealt with a devastating earthquake, heavy rains and storms, and now a fast-spreading cholera epidemic. For outsiders, Haiti’s recovery seems frustratingly slow. For organizations working here, the question is where to start? Read more »

Cholera in Haiti – Oxfam working to stem spread

With cases of cholera confirmed in camps for displaced people in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Oxfam redoubles its efforts to halt the epidemic. Read more »

Haiti aid "maxed" as hurricane looms

With Hurricane Tomas bearing down on Haiti and expected to make landfall on Friday, Oxfam is worried about the ability of the humanitarian community to mount a third simultaneous emergency response in Haiti while still responding to January’s earthquake and the cholera outbreak earlier this month. Read more »

Cholera outbreak in Haiti: This disease can’t beat us

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In central Haiti, the Artibonite province is awash in water. As we drive through the cholera-stricken region on Sunday, day three of our emergency cholera response, I see water everywhere – rice paddies, irrigation canals, small rivers, cesspools and puddles. Read more »

Cholera outbreak in Haiti: Oxfam responds

Still recovering from a devastating 7.0 earthquake in January, impoverished Haiti is now dealing with an outbreak of the deadly, water-borne disease cholera. The fast-moving bacterial disease has killed 208 people so far and infected another 2,649 – mostly in rural areas of the Artibonite region, north of Port-au-Prince. Read more »

Being prepared: saving lives in Haiti

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Today is International Day for Disaster Reduction (October 13), and while most people know we help communities deal with the aftermath of disasters (like the Pakistan floods), you might not know we also do a lot of work helping communities prepare for future disasters. We take you to Haiti to show you how. Read more »

Debt relief for Haiti (sort of)

Haiti is finally getting some relief from its debilitating international debt. Unfortunately, it’s also getting some more debt. Read more »

Haiti six months on: promoting public health

One entertaining way Oxfam have been been able to get the message out about public health and hygiene is through theatre. Read more »

Haiti earthquake appeal : 6 months on

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Since January, Oxfam has helped over 420,000 earthquake survivors – and we couldn’t have done it without your generous support. Read more »
Photo: Kateryna Perus/Oxfam

Haiti six months on: rebuilding livelihoods

In the neighbourhood of Delmas 33 in Port-au-Prince, our community canteen projects are helping people to earn an income, and eat healthy food. Read more »