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Beyond safeguards: why advocacy is critical

Systems and safeguards are critical measures to prevent abuse and protect the rights of women and girls. But sexual misconduct, from Hollywood to Haiti, has revealed a much deeper issue: unfair distributions of power. Read more »
Photo: Brett Eloff/Oxfam America

Haiti’s urban garden project: planting the seeds for a better future

In one of Port-au-Prince’s most earthquake-damaged districts, Oxfam is helping find land for residents to grow their own vegetables. As this slide show indicates, the project is already paying off in many ways. Read more »

Returning to Haiti: 2 years on

By Caroline Gluck, Oxfam I wasn’t looking forward to returning to Haiti. Two years ago, I was one of the first of Oxfam’s emergency team to fly to the island, arriving three days after it was hit by a devastating earthquake, which killed more than 220,000 people and left over a million homeless. It was […] Read more »
Enock is a supervisor at Fabhris Production, who received a grant from Oxfam. Photo: Jane Beesley/Oxfam

Open for business in Haiti

By Jane Beesley, Oxfam The earthquake that hit Haiti in January 2010 resulted in one of the largest emergencies in recent years – killing over 220,000 people, displacing more than 1.5 million and devastating an already poor and weak economy. Today many people struggle to find work with many businesses no longer operating or struggling […] Read more »
Photo: Caroline Gluck/Oxfam

An economic lifeline for women in rural Haiti

By Oxfam’s Humanitarian Press Officer, Caroline Gluck “Unemployment is the only thing we have here”, declared Dumel Deralus, smiling grimly as we sat in the shell of a concrete building that will soon be a new expanded home for the Organisation for Community Development in Thomazeau, (ODECT), an Oxfam partner working to improve economic and […] Read more »
Photo: Cinta Pluma/Oxfam

Cholera strikes Haiti again

In late May 2011, a new outbreak of cholera emerged in Haiti’s Carrefour area, south of Port-au-Prince. Oxfam is responding to the situation, coordinating our work with other agencies in the area. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

Haiti: displaced people facing eviction from camps

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Fewer people are living in Haiti’s camps now than at the peak of the earthquake crisis, but not all chose to leave. Many were evicted by landowners, finding themselves in worse situations than before. Read more »
Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith/Oxfam

Haiti: Oxfam trains camp residents to manage water delivery

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In the camps where Oxfam works in Port-au-Prince, displaced people are beginning to pay for their own water, an important step towards empowering them to take responsibility for the resource. Read more »

Supporting 9,000 in a camp in Haiti

Richard Atkinson visits Corrail camp in Haiti, where Oxfam is providing water and sanitation after January 2010’s earthquake. Read more »

Urban Disasters – Lessons from Haiti

What are the lessons aid agencies can learn from the Haiti earthquake? This short video summarises the findings of the Development Emergencies Commission UK Haiti urban study “Urban Disasters — Lessons from Haiti”. The study looks at member agencies responses to Haiti, highlighting practical lessons that should guide future urban disaster responses. Read more »