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Land grabs: what’s the big deal?

Here’s a paradox for you: 870 million or 1 in 8 people are going hungry on our planet. But in the past decade, Oxfam research suggests global land deals have covered enough land to feed one billion people. So if there is – theoretically – enough land to feed the world’s hungry, where are we […] Read more »

Our latest video. Inspired by Coldplay. Starring you.

Wow. We asked you – Coldplay fans, Oxfam supporters and creative geniuses – to send us photos and videos of ordinary things out of place, and you responded in thousands. You sent 7,000 pics and films, from 55 countries, in five continents! (What, no Coldplay fans in Antarctica?) Now, with Coldplay’s support, we’ve made a […] Read more »

Strikes, Spookytown, and a traumatic exit from feudalism

In the Western Cape, scenic is an understatement: lush vineyards festooned with bougainvillea at the feet of colossal bare rock escarpments; dinky, opulent colonial towns – all church spires and verandahs and 4×4s. Perfectly asphalted roads, the infrastructure of modern ag – sprinklers, trucks, tourism (wine tasting, restaurants), a vision of plenty. But where are […] Read more »

You Spoke. Mars and Nestle listened.

Here’s an Easter treat for chocolate lovers: proof that no brand is so big it can ignore its customers. A month ago Oxfam launched Behind the Brands with a call to “change the way the food companies that make your favorite brands do business.”  In just a few weeks thousands of tweets were sent to […] Read more »

Are women from Mars?

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Last week’s Behind The Brands initiative kicked off with a call for Mars, Mondelez International and Nestle to stop ignoring the women who are working in their cocoa supply chains. Between them, these three companies net more than $45 billion a year in confectionery sales. But throughout their cocoa supply chains – from growers to […] Read more »

The response to Behind the Brands so far

There has been a great response to the Behind the Brands launch on Tuesday (Feb 26). Consumers clearly care about the people behind the foods they buy. Thousands of people have taken action; the start we hope of a movement to reverse the 100-year legacy of the world’s ten largest food and beverage companies in […] Read more »

Go behind the brands you buy

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What do Twinings, Toblerone and Twisties have in common? The same as Coca Cola,Cheerios and Cadbury’s, Milo and Vegemite. They’re all made by the ‘Big 10’ food companies, who between them make over $1bn a day. Here at Oxfam we’ve spent a good part of the past 18 months looking at how the world’s biggest […] Read more »

World Bank in the dark about where its money goes

The World Bank doesn’t know the environmental and social impact of the almost $20 billion it lends to private companies. A recent audit revealed that the World Bank’s private sector lending arm, the IFC, “knows very little” about the impacts of its financial market lending, which accounts for 40% of its portfolio. The IFC has […] Read more »

Dumpster diving for dinner

By Tabitha Laffernis via 3things Dressed like a ninja in lavender Nikes and armed with an arsenal of plastic bags and dishwashing gloves, I was waiting for nightfall. In my living room were three of my closest friends, and we were brainstorming code names. She-Wolf, Raven and Lara Croft were all suggested, but we eventually […] Read more »

Oxfam is heading to Big Day Out!

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Live bands, scary rides and good vibes – these are just 3 of the many things we love about Big Day Out. We’re hitting Australia’s longest running festival again this year to talk all things food, and to ask music lovers what 3things they’re going to do to change the world in 2013. Oh and […] Read more »