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Ending hunger: the women of Lembata

One in eight people go hungry every day. Unbelievably, 80% of those going hungry are food producers; small-scale farmers, fishermen and women, forest foragers and landless farm labourers. They produce food, yet many still go hungry. The road to Hoelea from Lewoleba on the island of Lembata is the worst I’ve ever seen. It takes […] Read more »

Creative Ways to Save Energy

By Tori Sanderson, Oxfam GROW Team Intern This month’s GROW challenge on saving energy in the home has been one of the most popular GROW topics so far. It seems that most people are conscious of their energy consumption, and that everyone has different ways to manage it! Here are some of our favourite suggestions. When cooking […] Read more »

Avoiding waste in the kitchen

By Julie Goodwin – Oxfam GROW ambassador According to Foodwise, Australians waste about $8 billion of edible food per year. That figure is not only shocking in the economic sense, but also in the sheer magnitude of wasted resources that have gone into growing, creating, packaging, transporting and advertising that food. There are steps that each of us […] Read more »

Putting food on the table

In Timor-Leste almost 50% of children are chronically malnourished. Our aid is helping small-scale farmers like Natercia feed their children and their villages but the Australian Government can do more. Sign the petition to call on the Australian Government to increase aid to those most in need. Growing up with two younger sisters and two […] Read more »

Cooking for the climate

By Tori Sanderson, GROW Team Intern Every time you open your fridge and pantry, you step into the global food system. Don’t believe us? Oxfam’s Food Transformation report shows us that the decisions we make every day have global impacts on the climate, agriculture and food. In particular, our energy use can significantly contribute to […] Read more »
Photo: Tony Nevado

Going bananas for Oxfam’s GROW campaign

  By Gavin Lower It’s not every day you get to dress up as a vegetable or a piece of fruit. But that’s what I signed up for when I joined Oxfam’s GROW campaign to spread the word about food security and collect petition signatures at farmers’ markets around Melbourne in May. As a loyal […] Read more »

GROWing a better future in Papua New Guinea

Last month, Oxfam launched its GROW campaign in Papua New Guinea and released two new short films that show how local activities in the Highlands are changing lives for the better. GROW is Oxfam’s global campaign to fix the broken food system. Around the world today, one in eight people go to bed hungry. By […] Read more »

How your campaigning is helping end land grabs

With your help, Oxfam has been campaigning since September on land grabs, as part of our GROW campaign to for food justice. We wanted the World Bank to take some urgently needed action to help end land grabs in many developing countries, which help keep one in eight people on our planet hungry. In the […] Read more »

World’s biggest chocolate companies melt under consumer pressure

More sweet news today for chocolate lovers: the biggest chocolate maker in the world, Mondelez International who owns brands like Cadbury, Toblerone and Oreo, has agreed to take steps to address inequality facing women in their cocoa supply chains—thanks to pressure from customers like you. More than 100,000 people around the world joined Oxfam’s campaign, […] Read more »

Let the GROW Challenges begin!

Oxfam Australia has launched six months of sustainable and fair eating challenges to help ensure that everybody has enough food always. How? By taking up actions such as eating seasonal, organic, and sustainable foods; supporting small-scale farmers in developing countries; eating less meat and dairy; reducing food waste, and saving energy in the kitchen. The […] Read more »