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‘Eat Local Feed Global’ Perth Training Session

One in eight people go to bed hungry every day, so as World Food Day approaches join us in taking action in support of tackling global hunger. As part of this year’s ‘Eat Local Feed Global’ initiative, Oxfam invites you to share a meal with friends, family or workmates, and raise awareness about the role […] Read more »

Moving on up: Changing the way big brands do business

The results are in Over 120,000 people taking action.  The world’s ten biggest food and beverage companies.  And one groundbreaking campaign. Combine these ingredients and what do you get? The beginnings of a significant shift towards a fairer food system for all. Today we are excited to announce the biggest set of changes to the […] Read more »

Eat Local Feed Global 2013

The world produces enough food to feed everyone yet 1 in 8 people go hungry. Astonishingly, 80% of the world’s hungry are involved in food production! There are things that you can do to improve injustices in the food system, and you can start by signing up to share a meal with your family, friends or […] Read more »

Support small-scale farmers and feed communities

80%  of the 870 million people who go to bed hungry are involved in food production. They farm small plots of land. Tend cattle, fish, or even work as labourers. They are surrounded by the means to produce or collect food, yet they go hungry. Australian aid targeted at small-scale food producers can fight this […] Read more »

Why small-scale farmers are going hungry?

Did you know that 98% of people think we live in a world of statistics? Whilst I just made that statistic up, I’ve found myself drowning in whirlpool of statistics and figures this election. From Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott’s approval (or disapproval) ratings, potential swings in marginal seats and claims about budget black holes, […] Read more »

Aiding food security

1 in 8 people going hungry because of injustices in the global food system, but Australian aid can make a difference in building a fairer food system and helping small scale food producers feed their communities. We want leaders from all parties to commit to doubling aid for food security at this election. The Australian […] Read more »

Why are 1 in 8 people are going to be hungry?

Today 870 million or 1 in 8 people will go to bed hungry. Not because there isn’t enough food. But because of the deep injustice in the way the system works. And because too many of the ways we grow today are using up and destroying the natural resources on which we all rely. Food […] Read more »

I was told “people are poor because they are lazy”

Ibu Silosor’s husband is a fisherman. He leaves the beach and “is at his Bagan [a wooden fishing platform out to sea] by 6pm. [He]… came back [this morning] at 5am,” Silosor tells me outside her home on the small island of Lembata in eastern Indonesia. Silosor, has already salted her husband’s overnight catch of […] Read more »
Soon after sunrise, Umikalsum, 41, brings his son's catch from the boat to the family home. She lives in Kubur Cina, a neighbordhood of Lewoleba, Nubatukan subdistrict, Lembata district, East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia.

Hunger is on the menu this election

Thousands of Oxfam supporters have been calling for all parties to prioritise global hunger and food security since the start of our GROW campaign. With last night’s announcement from The Greens, now it’s time for the two major parties to also commit to combating global hunger by supporting small-scale farmers The Greens’ policy includes a commitment to […] Read more »
Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS

Women like Maleana need the support others have

Women play a vital role in the global food system and produce a large proportion of the food we eat; yet they have little access to land and their farm work is often underpaid and undervalued. If women farmers had the same access to resources and decision making as men, their efforts would significantly reduce […] Read more »