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Original Marines_istock

Call on Original Marines to end intimidation of factory workers

Original Marines is facing international criticism for its ongoing failure to respect and uphold the rights of women and men making its products in Indonesia. Although the iconic Italian company claims to have ‘always helped families’, this has not been the experience of the families of workers who lost their jobs trying to improve working […] Read more »

Nestle – Not so pure

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Nestle claims to endorse the pure life, but dirty practices continue at the factories that produce its products Almost 10,000 people have joined the campaign to get Nestle to respect trade union rights in Indonesia. The IUF began the online campaign after 53 union members at the company’s factory in Panjang, Indonesia were fired as […] Read more »

Make IT Fair

The Make IT Fair campaign, together with GoodElectronics, is putting the pressure on big IT companies like Apple and Samsung to give a fair deal to the people that make their products. Apple is now the world’s largest corporation, valued at more than half a trillion US dollars. Workers in factories that manufacture Apple products, […] Read more »

Wal-Mart receives wooden spoon on workers’ rights

The International Labour Rights Forum (ILRF) has released its latest Working for scrooge report, which exposes companies with some of the worst records on respecting freedom of association in 2011. Four companies were singled out for individual scrutiny because of their poor labour practices. Culprits include the world’s largest fresh fruit and vegetable producer, Dole […] Read more »
Photo: Dave Tacon/Polaris/OxfamAUS

Protocol shows promising signs for workers in Indonesia

The region’s first Freedom of Association Protocol is showing promising signs for factory workers in Indonesia. Read more »
Photo: Oxfam

2011: a busy year for all

It has been a busy year for the Oxfam labour rights team and our supporters who have contributed to supporting labour rights throughout the past 12 months. Thank you for all of your support! We have been part of some great campaign achievements through this year. Here are a few: Historic protocol seeks to protect […] Read more »
Photo: International Union of Food Workers

Life is bittersweet for Nestle workers

The Nescafe factory in Panjang, Indonesia, has fired almost two thirds of the SBNIB union membership. According to the IUF the workers were fired after a breakdown in negotiations over wages. The Nescafe workers had struggled for five years before finally gaining recognition for their independent trade union in March this year. After such a […] Read more »

Women Inspiring Change

More than 5 million Indonesian women work in factories. Their wages are very low and they receive 30% less than their male counterparts. But many are actively trying to change this situation… Read more »

Sneaky Business marches through Indonesia

More than 240 people from around the world have joined Sneaky Business—an online march to demand workers’ rights in the footwear industry. Read more »
Sneaky Business: Support Footwear Workers' Rights

Sneaky Business Toolkit

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Want to help promote a new global action in support of workers’ rights? The Sneaky Business toolkit provides you with everything you need. Read more »