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A photo story from Turkana

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Five years without decent rain has left the northern Kenyan region of Turkana parched and in desperate need of aid. These photos, by Intermón Oxfam’s Irina Fuhrmann, paint a stark picture. Read more »

Harvesting a brighter future: Yashwant and Hira

From exploited agricultural labourers on someone else’s land, to land-owners with a thriving vegetable crop, Indian couple Yashwant and Hira can now look forward to a brighter, more secure future. Read more »
Photo: Lara McKinley/OxfamAUS

GROW on display

Have you seen our new GROW billboards up around Melbourne? Read more »
Launch of Grow campaign in Sydney

A simple goal – food justice for all

Oxfam’s GROW ambassador Julie Goodwin reflects on our World Reality Dinner, where guests were given meals representative of food equality around the globe. Read more »
Celebrity chef Dougie McMaster for Grow

Waste not, want not

UK chef Dougie McMaster took some time away from his Wasted pop-up dining experience to talk to us about the GROW campaign. Read more »
Check out the food price rise map above

Mapping food price rises

We’ve just launched our global food crisis map, detailing a range of locations around the world that are currently struggling with chronic food shortages. Read more »
Photo: Rodney Dekker/OxfamAUS

Was Kermit right when he sang "It’s not easy being Green"..?

It IS easy being Green. Check out these tools, great case studies and ideas to start a food garden at your school. Read more »
Photo: Matthew Willman/OxfamAUS

Stopping hunger in Mozambique: Elisa

We hope you’ve enjoyed our series of blog posts introducing some of the real people we’ve been working with in Mozambique. In our final blog post we hear more from Elisa Elias Mavone. Oxfam News editor Maureen Bathgate travelled to Mabawane village in Gaza Province to hear Elisa’s story. Read more »

Desmond Tutu on GROW

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu outlines why he is supporting Oxfam’s GROW campaign, and what all have to aim for in order to fix our global food system. Read more »
Photo: Joel Chiziane/OxfamAUS

Stopping hunger in Mozambique: Alberto

Meet 15-year-old Alberto Atanasio Malhaieie from Mabawane in Gaza Province, who received a goat and training to care for the goat from our local partner organisation. Oxfam News editor Maureen Bathgate visited Alberto to learn more. Read more »