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The female food heroes of Indonesia – part 4

  HELP SAVE LIVES Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Donate now The disaster, the muazin and the fried grasshopper By Juan Martorana – blogging from Indonesia This post should be titled “disasters”, plural, not disaster, singular. The last couple of days have […] Read more »

The female food heroes of Indonesia – part 2

  HELP SAVE LIVES Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Donate now Oxfam Australia’s Juan Martorana – blogging from Indonesia Sixty-five per cent of Indonesia’s food is imported, including its main staple, rice. Over a series of events around Jakarta, the seven female […] Read more »

The female food heroes of Indonesia – part 1

  HELP SAVE LIVES Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Donate now Oxfam Australia’s Juan Martorana – blogging from Indonesia How does a country with almost half the population living on less than $2 per day feed itself? I don’t know yet, but […] Read more »
Photo: Rodrigo Ordonez/Oxfam

The female food heroes of Indonesia – part 3

  HELP SAVE LIVES Right now Oxfam is responding to emergencies around the world, including the recent earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. Donate now Oxfam Australia’s Juan Martorana – blogging from Indonesia Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 So what have I learnt so far in Jakarta? Surprise, surprise: there is no one solution […] Read more »

Dumpster diving for dinner

By Tabitha Laffernis via 3things Dressed like a ninja in lavender Nikes and armed with an arsenal of plastic bags and dishwashing gloves, I was waiting for nightfall. In my living room were three of my closest friends, and we were brainstorming code names. She-Wolf, Raven and Lara Croft were all suggested, but we eventually […] Read more »

Seeds in women’s hands

Seeds are the first link in the food chain. Yet women seed breeders are invisible in the industrial model of food production and in intellectual property regimes. The roots of food and gender justice lie in keeping seeds in women’s hands and recognizing women’s knowledge of biodiversity. Health and nutrition begin with food, and food […] Read more »

The state of food insecurity in the world

The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2012 presents new estimates of undernourishment based on a revised and improved methodology. The new estimates show that progress in reducing hunger during the past 20 years has been better than previously believed, and that, given renewed efforts, it may be possible to reach the MDG hunger […] Read more »

GROW-Rilla gorilla guerrilla gardeners in our midst

Wild weather on Friday didn’t stop Oxfam GROW-RILLA gorillas setting up a guerrilla veggie garden in a Perth CBD parking bay and giving away vegetable seedlings to raise awareness of global hunger. Hundreds of other car parks were also converted to gardens all over the globe as part of World Park(ing) day. Oxfam’s GROW campaign […] Read more »

Eat Local Feed Global with us this World Food Day

| 2 Comments on Eat Local Feed Global with us this World Food Day
What’s for dinner tonight? Tidak ada, nada, niente, Không có, nothing! Well, maybe not literally nothing, but certainly very little and probably not that nutritious. That’s what 1 in 7 people around the world can expect each day – very little. So they go to bed hungry. In anyone’s language that’s not right! Join us […] Read more »

Extreme weather, extreme food prices

With greenhouse gas emissions at an all time high, and the world lurching towards a third food price spike in four years following the worst US drought since the 1950s, there is an alarming gap in our knowledge – how will an increase in extreme weather caused by climate change affect future food prices? To date, research on food […] Read more »