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GROW Challenge #5: Watch your Waste

By Tori Sanderson, Oxfam GROW Team Intern There are 870 million hungry people in the world, but at least one third of the food that the world produces is wasted. Why is this? Where does all this food go? And what can we do to stop it? This month your GROW Challenge is for you to commit to […] Read more »

Avoiding waste in the kitchen

By Julie Goodwin – Oxfam GROW ambassador According to Foodwise, Australians waste about $8 billion of edible food per year. That figure is not only shocking in the economic sense, but also in the sheer magnitude of wasted resources that have gone into growing, creating, packaging, transporting and advertising that food. There are steps that each of us […] Read more »

Dumpster diving for dinner

By Tabitha Laffernis via 3things Dressed like a ninja in lavender Nikes and armed with an arsenal of plastic bags and dishwashing gloves, I was waiting for nightfall. In my living room were three of my closest friends, and we were brainstorming code names. She-Wolf, Raven and Lara Croft were all suggested, but we eventually […] Read more »